V Try - U Buy: Burgers

Sep 12 2013.

views 2340

When it comes to burgers new outlets have popped up, old ones gone out of market, and average ones remained average. In our quest for the perfect burger this week, we visited some of the well known franchises as well some relatively new ones that have been making a name for themselves in recent times. Check out our ratings and tell us if you think otherwise.

KFC and Mc have meals for an additional cost that will include the likes of fries and a drink. Other restaurants that serve all mains like Dinemore or the Commons are also known to have good burgers so do let us know if you have a comment to make on their burgers, since we have reviewed only places specialised in and reputed for burgers!

Our pick this week is Burger’s King, the best indeed for street food over here!




Chicken Cordon Bleu Burger

No 1, Vellon’s Passage, Colombo  
Taste  * * * *
Price Rs. 280
Value for money High




Chicken Big Mac


Racecourse Outlet
Taste  * *
Price  Rs. 360
Value for money Average 



Classic Beef Burger

NCC, 29 A, Maitland Place, Colombo 7

 * * * 

Price Rs. 500
Value for money Average 




Mount Lavinia 

 * * * + 1/2

Price Rs. 360
Value for money High



My Pick: Burger’s King

If the restaurant has a chain of outlets, the rating here is specific to the mentioned outlet. V Try – U Buy is not a connoisseur’s report, but is designed for the common man’s benefit. 



By Nivedha Jeyaseelan


  1. leena says:

    A burger review that includes McDonalds and KFC ? How does a fried chicken pattie even qualify as a burger? I'm guessing you have never had a real burger in NYC or know even what a burger is supposed to be. Joke of an article

  2. hush says:

    colombo cafe (at dutch hospotal) has a real nice pulled pork burgher that demands a mention, yes its a bit pricy, but its darn good. lets not forget the stuff at cricket club... Yum yum now if only someone could put up a good bacon burgher, that would be awesome!!

  3. Azmi says:

    A fried chicken pattie does qualify for a burger. If you insist on smothering your views on the rest of society you can start your own campaign against kfcs zinger burger and maccies fillet burgers..
    Please do keep us informed of your evangelical quest. :)
    PS - unless I'm missing something the article is about eat outs in Colombo , not new York. If you are going global chicken hut in Birmingham does a mean chicken fillet burger and I would be very offended if u took away its burger st

  4. U A says:

    I don't belive none of these places make a proper Burger, MC and KFC included, they are just burgers, I have tried the burger at Queen's and they are much better than KFC and even Burgers king, I heard Burger King is opening up and that will be a better venture than all of these combined, Sorry to say that Burgers King suck now!

  5. Kusal says:

    Shaaa Leena, can you please tell me how your NYC trip was?

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