V Try – U Buy

Jul 31 2013.

views 1659

Which restaurant has got the best deal on offer about town? We’re not that perplexing expert’s guide to culinary art that leaves you baffled and no wiser at the day’s end.
V Try – U Buy is the common man’s guide to what’s on offer at local restaurants. We let you know who gives you taste and value at once in the eyes of masses. Thanks for being on board! 
So we scoured around town for Hot Dogs this week. It was pretty evident that from being a snack, this all time favourite has gone on to become a filling food item that might perhaps make up for a regular meal, judging from portion sizes and prices. 


Star Dogs
Hyde Park Arpico Outlet
Overall * * * *
Bun * * *
Sausage * * * *
The BBQ one I tried was very spicy and nice.
* * * *
Portion size Available in several sizes. Regular is fairly filling
Variety in selection of Hot Dogs High
Time taken to prepare & serve Within 5 mins
Price Ranging from Rs. 190 – 300
Value for Money High
Elephant House
Crescat outlet
Overall * * *
Bun * * *
Sausage * * *
Served with the famed mustard sauce.
* * *
Portion size Regular size
Variety in selection of Hot Dogs Low
Time taken to prepare & serve Within 5 mins
Price Rs. 100
Value for Money High


The Commons Coffeehouse 
39, Flower Road, Colombo 7
* * *
Served with baked sweet potato fries  
Bun * * *
Sausage * * * * *
Fairly moistened up the bun. Sour sauce is given separately
* *
Portion size Regular size
Variety in selection of Hot Dogs Average 
Time taken to prepare & serve Between 15 -20 mins
Price Around Rs. 488 (all inclusive)
Value for Money Average


Sugar Bistro
89, Galle Road, 
Colombo 3
* *
Served with baked sweet potato fries
Bun * * *
Sausage * *
Had a variety of flavoured sauces and toppings
* * * * *
Portion size Regular size
Variety in selection of Hot Dogs Low
Time taken to prepare & serve Between 10 -15 mins
Price Rs. 610 (all inclusive)
Value for Money Low



Guide to our Rating
* * * * * - Excellent
* * * * - Good
* * * - Average
* * - Poor
* - Bad
Our Pick: Star Dogs
Disclaimer: If the restaurant has a chain of outlets, the rating here is specific to the mentioned outlet. V Try – U Buy is not a connoisseur’s report, but is designed for the common man’s benefit.
By Nivedha Jeyaseelan
Pics by Kithsiri de Mel 


  1. jj says:

    Please do one on coffee cake

  2. manpei says:

    You can't beat the Elephant house hot dog.. Yum

  3. manpei says:

    You can't beat the Elephant house hot dog.. Yum

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