Auditions to choose a wife?

Jan 14 2013.

views 985

A new Scientology book, which threatens to blow the lid on Tom Cruise's personal life, has revealed that the leading Hollywood actor held 'wife auditions', where top female actresses took screen tests that were intended to select a new bride for the star. 
The controversial book adds that actresses like Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohanand Kate Bosworth were all auditioned to be Cruise's next wife. While none of the above names made the cut, Cruise finally zeroed in onKatie Holmes in 2005.
However, the rather controversial Church of Scientology has denied all the claims made in the book, which goes on to say that after going through heartbreak after his failed romance with actress Penelope Cruz in 2004, Cruise told senior members of the church to find him a new bride. The romance with Penelope allegedly fizzled out because she failed to embrace Scientology. This was followed by church members calling stars to audition for a non-existent part in the Mission: Impossible series.
The new book, written by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Lawrence Wright, reveals that auditions were held at the organisation's Celebrity Center in Los Angeles, where tons of young actresses were put through a screening process unknown to them.


  1. Gamarala says:

    Why is this article in a Sri Lanka paper? We do not have the cult of scientology over here. The problem one rarely leaves this cult is that they do an audit from the inception of your life year by year and all your innermost secrets are recorded and kept on file. If one dare leaves this cult, there is always the possibility of these secrets being revealed to the public. This cult was started by the late science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, if anyone in interested read his book "Dianetics'. Its

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