Synchro Swim Team of Visakha

Apr 24 2014.

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‘Applause’, a synchronised swimming concert directed by Rovini Illukkumbura and performed by the Visakha Vidyalaya Synchronised Swimming Team, will be held at the Visakha Vidyalaya Pool on the 25th, 26th and 27th of April, 2014. The team consists of 11 enthusiastic girls, each with their own story.

Name - Piyusha Sumanapala
Age - 16+

I joined Synchro when I was 8 years old. The reason I wanted to do synchro back then was, because I needed a way to spend my Saturday evenings. But now it has grown into something that I really enjoy doing passionately. What I enjoy most about synchro is the fact that it’s different from all other sports. It has music and rhythm involved in it, and I enjoy it very much. Synchro is quite tough compared to most sports mainly because everyone has to synchronize and go to the rhythm. This show means a lot to me as it's happening during my tenure as captain. And I'm deeply touched by the effort put in by most of the parents and the support and encouragement given by our Madam Principal Mrs. Sandamali Aviruppola, Vice Principal Ms. Kalani Suriyapperuma and the teacher in charge Mrs. Jayani Jayaweera. I’m also very thankful to my team mates for their cooperation and dedication. And most of all we are all very grateful to our beloved coach Ms. Rovini Illukkumbura for all her hard work and dedication. Apart from doing synchro I also row for school and the Colombo Rowing Club and learn dancing under Ms. Sureka Buell at Danceworld School of Modern and Jazz Ballet.

Name - Thisuri Mendis
Age - 15+

Synchro is the best and also one of the hardest sports I've ever done but I love to come for training sessions because I love the sport and my crazy teammates. This show means a lot to me because I'm acting as a senior and I have a prominent role in this show unlike other shows I've participated in. In addition to synchro I swim and play the violin. I love to listen to music and read book during my free time.

Name - Dinithi Wijendra
Age - 12

I joined Synchro because I like to do routines. This show is a good opportunity to show our talent. I play table tennis and also enjoy playing the piano.

Name - Ranali Wijendra
Age - 15

I joined Synchro because I love music and music is included in synchro. I enjoy doing routines to music. As this is the first time I’m taking part in a synchro concert, this is a good opportunity to show my talents. I am a part of the Western Band of Visakha Vidyalaya and I really enjoy music.

Name - Janethree Kulawardhana
Age - 13

I joined Synchro because I like water sports. Synchro is a very fun sport. I enjoy the sculls, figures and the new routines we learned. I think the show is very important because we get a chance to show our talents. I love doing water sports and other sports like badminton and cricket. I also enjoy dancing and singing.

Name - Sathinji Senanayake
Age - 13

I joined synchro because it is a beautiful sport and I enjoy it a lot because we do cool routines in the water and I get to meet my friends and do routines with them. The concert means a lot to me because we practise hard every day for it. I hope we have a fantastic super cool show. The show means a lot to me because we have practised hard for it every day.
I wish it becomes a beautiful concert. I like to read books, draw, and do many other things like playing with my dog and sisters and doing synchro together with my friends.

Name - Anarkali de Silva
Age - 13 years

I first did swimming at school when I was in Grade 03. I then switched over to Synchronised Swimming when I was in Grade 06 because I found it very interesting and exciting. We have practised very hard for the past few months. It has been very tough yet exciting and we're eagerly waiting to show our talents on that day. I love reading, singing and swimming.

By Marissa van Eyck


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