Snitching on your affair!

Sep 24 2015.

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Nine family, friends and relatives most likely to snitch on your love affair! 
You've been having amazing days filled with plenty of "aww" worthy moments. Things are falling into place and you can see this relationship going the distance. Known only to your inner circle - your siblings and best friends - you haven't found the courage to tell about it to your über strict parents. Actually, you REALLY should tell them... Scratch that. You'll deal with that in time, but for now, you're just gonna have a great time. 
Back home, you try to rearrange your facial expression to something more appropriate - something nonchalant, maybe. Or bored. Bored is believable. Confident of having done enough to not warrant any undue attention from your parents, you walk in... 
... to a typical Hindi movie setting. Your dad's seated on the chair, with a look of anger and utter betrayal on his face. Mom's standing nervously by your dad, looking hurt. Their accusing glare pierces through your soul as they look at you like you've just committed murder.
The cat, is seems, has been let out of the bag. 
Here are nine people who're most likely to snitch on your love affair. 
Angry sibling - You'd inadvertently gotten your sibling into trouble eons ago, apparently. And obviously, they waited a long time for payback. 
Blabbering buddy - Your friend couldn't get through to you and happened - as things are won't to occur when your "time is bad" - to call the landline to ask if you were free to meet up. Which would have been fine - if you had the forethought to remind your friend they were supposed to be at the class with you. 
Nosy neighbour - During one of her many escapades around the neighborhood, Ms. Nosy Parker had happened to see you get off a tuk a while aways from your residence. Such suspicious behaviour warrants immediate attention - and so she had ventured closer for a better look. In reporting her findings she was 110% sure she saw a boy in the tuk. There may also have been -gasp- a hug involved. 
Mother's best friend - This best friend is somehow always around - somehow unseen, buried amidst the crowds or the nooks and crannies of places. Thanks to her, your parents received live updates with barely a trace of sugar and plenty of spice to go with it. 
Some aunty you've never heard of - Her housewives association was meeting up for a lunch at this "posh" hotel when she saw a familiar face that turned out to be you. She would have spoken to you of course, but you had an acquaintance with you and she didn't want to be a bother. So who was that nice boy? Does he have a job? Who are his parents? Educated abroad? What's his dog's name?... 
Some uncle you've never heard of - This random uncle happened to see you while he was at a "business dinner". At a club. Children of respectable families shouldn't be seen in places like that, you understand. And that boy looked like a low class fellow. These things are not good for our image. (And you were there why?) 
A friend's strict parent - Lo and behold, this parent saw you and significant other (SO) at the coffee shop. Oh the horror! This shouldn't influence their oh-so-innocent child noh (who, incidentally introduced you to your SO who was actually a best friend of said innocent souls SO.) 
Your astrologer - Who happened to be purchasing artisanal chocolates at ODEL at the time, couldn't help but notice you with SO. If your parents could hand him your astrology charts, he could start work on them ASAP and check for compatibility before the relationship is too far gone? Yes? 
You - Yes, you!! You've been smiling like an idiot nonstop whereas you used to be the human equivalent of grumpy cat - a perpetual frown on your face 24/7. And smack outta nowhere, you're suddenly student of the year - wanting to attend all those extra classes. Reality check - your parents aren't stupid, in case you forgot. 
By Rihaab Mowlana


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