Jun 22 2015.
views 758Many of us make this mistake... we believe that taking care of your skin from the outside only will make you glow! Oh you couldn’t be more wrong! I personally believe that if you eat the right food and get your exercise, then you don’t even need expensive creams and makeup! For example, if you eat a really cheesy, super oily pizza, there’s a very high chance of you waking up to a throbbing pimple or blemish next morning! Urgh! Yes, of course, you have to enjoy those pizzas and chocolates once in a while but just remember, what you put in your body is what shows up on your skin. With that being said, which foods really help you glow from within?
Green tea
I’m sure most of you already knew this! Green tea is loaded with unique antioxidants that help protect against harmful UV rays. It also helps repair UV damage. Not only does green tea hydrate your body, you can also use cooled green tea as a toner or face rinse for oily skin!
Low fat yoghurt is packed with vitamin A which helps maintain elasticity and collagen production in the skin, which is what makes skin look youthful. It’s also a great source of protein! I usually eat a bowlful of low fat yoghurt with a few almonds and a drizzle of honey as a midday snack.
Dark chocolate
Did you read right? Of course you did! Don’t listen to those people who told you that chocolate causes acne, they’re wrong! Well, to an extent at least! Milk chocolate could be responsible for acne as it’s loaded with sugar that increases the production of oil in your skin, causing pimples and blemishes. However, good quality dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and is now a super food superstar! Not only is it good for the heart, it is also brilliant in maintaining elasticity and youthfulness of skin! Yay!
Quite hard to find in Sri Lanka, and even when you do, it leaves a massive hole in your wallet, but let me tell you, it is worth it!! Berries are the best brain food! Research shows that berries help with memory retention! It’s also bursting with antioxidants whole protecting your skin from harmful UV rays!
Whole grains
Simple carbs that keep you full for longer, help your digestive tract (happy bowels!) and is an excellent source of skin friendly Vitamin B! Opt for brown breads and whole grain foods instead of white bread and white polished rice and watch your skin glow and your weight drop! You will also feel much lighter and more energized!
I love turmeric!!!! My second favourite spice (next to cinnamon) and my favourite ingredient in homemade face packs! Not only does this bright yellow goodie add an earthy zing to your curries, but ongoing research proves that turmeric could actually help stop the spread of skin cancer, reduce inflammation of skin and reverse skin damage.
Olive oil
You probably saw this coming too! Extra virgin olive oil is an absolute favourite among chefs and beauty gurus alike, world over! It’s loaded with heart healthy mono and poly unsaturated fats and is also a great remedy for dry skin and dry hair. I use olive oil mixed with a little water to take off my waterproof eye makeup and also as a skin/hair quencher!
By Shenali de Silva