Harry kills Taliban chief

Dec 23 2012.

views 2418

Britain's Prince Harry has killed his first Taliban commander.
The 28-year-old royal - who is currently serving on the frontline in Afghanistan and is nicknamed Big H by his comrades - unleashed a devastating 100lb Hellfire missile on the chief during an attack in October.
One of his comrades told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: "We were on patrol and the Apache helicopters were called in. We heard this posh voice come over the radio and knew it was Big H. they were tracking a Taliban leader - he was commander level.
"The Apache then let off some Hellfire missiles and its 30mm cannon and 'boom'. It was Big H all the way."
Harry - a gunship co-pilot - is on tour in Helmand and has been flying daily combat missions helping "troops in contact", the code given when ground forces are engaged by enemy fighters and he has become a very popular figure with his comrades.
The insider added: "I met him in the cookhouse. I saw this bloke standing in line and I went, 'That's Big H.' He's like a normal squaddie. All the guys in Afghan have so much respect for him and love him.
"Big H is a legend, he's been out in Afghan and he's doing the business. All the guys love him - he's Big H. He likes a drink and a laugh and he's one of the lads."
(Bang Showbiz)


  1. Murderer's says:

    You really don't know what's comming to you guys...in the near future...

  2. suchith says:

    Creating tales to recover his reputation I see;)

  3. Gamarala says:

    suchith - There is nothing to recover. Prince Harry is very popular amongst young people the world over. Most people did not care about his nude billiard playing escapade in Las Vegas. It was let go, as youthful exuberance. He is still the 3rd in line to the British throne.

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