No fights with anyone: Jacky

Apr 18 2013.

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Jacqueline Fernandez has rubbished reports that there are problems between her and director Sajid Khan.
At the Essel World on Sunday, when asked if reports of a fight between the two are true, Jacqueline said, “I can definitely say that I have no fights with anyone.”
Sajid and Jacqueline are reportedly dating. And if rumours are to be believed, Jacqueline had to let go of an item song in an Ekta Kapoor’s film as Sajid did not want her to do it.
However, she has done one item song Jhappi De De Tu Abhi in Prabhudheva’s film Ramaiya Vasta Vaiya. Jacqueline seems to be quite excited about it.
“I just shot an item song for Prabhudheva. He is launching new and amazing talent and I was extremely excited to be part of this movie and also to be working with someone as genius as Prabhudheva,” the 27-year-old said.
Meanwhile, Jacqueline is currently busy shooting for a film being produced by Tips. She also has a Sajid Khan-untitled film, and another movie titled Roy, in hand. 
The Express Tribune


  1. Tilak Wijesinghe says:

    Who cares!!! Jacqueline Fernandez is a disgrace to our Sri Lankan values and culture. Just look at this photograph. No decent Sri Lankan girl would dare pose like this. Just type Jacqueline Fernandez in Google images and you will get dozens of photos of her in bikinis, showing legs and posing like Playboy models. Will you like to see your sister pose like this??? A couple of years ago she was voted "Sexiest actress in bollywood". Is this something we shoudl be "proud" about??? Will you like yo

  2. wathsie says:

    thilak what is this srilankan culture ur talking abt ? the half nude sigiri apsaravo?? must be "dutugamunu era ur living in..still there was plenty skin shown by women back not sure what culture of this country ur refering to... she is pretty, she is sexy and she is young and vibrant! jsut appreicate soomething or just bugger off men!! live in reality !!

  3. Rome says:

    Why dont you go and see what our housemaids are doing in the Middle East, you will be utterly shamed at that. Jacky has no future in racist Sri Lanka and thus she has found her place in India. Hats off on that.

  4. Dammika says:

    So Tilak that means you search in Google for Jacky. This comment tells who you are. If you do not admire just keep it to your self ... remember when you point fingers to someone there are 3 fingers always pointing at you

  5. ppt says:

    if ur not interested why ur here

  6. Roger says:

    Thilak - what are the other interesting youtube clips???

  7. Tilak says:

    "thilak what is this srilankan culture ur talking abt ? the half nude sigiri apsaravo?? " If you think Sigiri Apsaraviyos are "sexy" then please go and see a psychiatrist immediately. They are not sensual or sexual but just "art". Our housemaids have nothing to do with this. They don't pose in sexual poses in magazines. Just imagine this situation OK. You are somebody who knows JF and you go to meet her parents and start chit-chatting. Can you say, "Wow, your daughter was voted sexiest i

  8. tilak says:

    "just bugger off men!! live in reality !!" This is 3rd class "gutter" language spoken by 3rd class people. I hope you are not a women as the name shows "wathsie"

  9. KDeSilva says:

    It seems that Tilak had visited all sites where her half naked photos appear. Is this sour Grapes???!!!!

  10. Izzy says:

    Tilak, If this is a disgrace you shouldn't have read this article in the first place, b'coz of hipocrits like you only the country is moving backwards with all these issues.

  11. chaminda says:

    come on she is just an Item girl in Bollywood, not even a real actress

  12. Buddhika says:

    I don't know why people are pointing fingers at her at all. I'm so happy for her for the success she has achieved in Bollywood a thriving film industry that can only be second to Hollywood. And I would be more than proud if she was my sister and looking "Sexy" Wearing what she likes to wear and Doing what she likes to do. Cheers Girl ! Go out there and do your thing don't pay attention to people who are disillusioned and trying to hide behind things like culture which they them self can't unders

  13. SEspo says:

    @ thilak: Which century are you from?? the world changes everyday!!!! Im sure you see real women as the ones who wear saree 24/7! Come to earth!!!!! you should be proud that atleast a girl who has some sri lankan blood have entered bollywood!!! Everyone understands that!!!!!! Open your eyes and see!!! We are in 2013 not 1930s! And if you could explain why you have been stalking Jackies pictures and videos, either its because you are a fan of hers or your just jobless and waiting to say stuff abo

  14. if says:

    To Thilak, Dude I understand your frustration man, your mind is feeling angry and sad about this Jacqueline girl, because she is sexy. if you are already married or if aren't, you will never find a girl like this or married to woman like this. but as time goes will start watching these photos and dream to have sexually fantasies with a women like this, so you feel frustrated, so you watch all these photos and but because you can't have someone like that you say such angry word at her..... Correc

  15. Amanda says:

    Why can't our people be happy when a fellow Sri Lankan is successful in the world? I don't think there's anything wrong with this picture, she has made a name for herself in bollywood and we all should be proud that a Sri Lankan somewhere is doing so well. Some people want to talk crap because of pure jealousy, they know they can never have success like that so they put that person down. If you don't like jackie so much, why in the world are you looking at her pictures, watching her videos and r

  16. Goni Billa says:

    I for one will be very proud to call Jackie my sister. Whats wrong in what she is wearing? What culture is this nut case Tilak talking about. He is a misogynist of the first grade and a closet hater of women. Why do we even have to comment on the rantings of this moron? Most of us are very proud of what this young lady has achieved. Which century is this idiot Tilak from? We are in the 21st century and we still get prudish closet sexists in our midst.

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