Musicians come under fire

Mar 22 2013.

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Music has always been a manner in which people can express themselves. Artistes go out of their way to make music, and especially in the western music arena; artistes generally have no financial gain out of what they do. Ras Ceylon is one such artiste who recently released a song titled “Heal Lanka” which conveys the message of things that could be done in Sri Lanka to ensure lasting peace.

However, once the music video for the song was completed and was being edited, Ray Jay (Director/Producer) and Udana Fonseka (Producer) were paid a visit by a number of “protectors of peace” who threatened them and asked them not to release the video, demanding the footage, which was not given to them.

Speaking to Life Online Ras Ceylon had this to say:

Heal Lanka is my mission statement to the reality that our island faces in this post-war era. It was made with the intentions of opening up an honest dialogue about what needs to happen in Sri Lanka to ensure a lasting peace for all of her children. The visual intention of "Heal Lanka" the music video is to serve as a reminder of the past as a lesson to the future of Sri Lanka about what can happen if we don't live in harmony.

I truly do not know who is trying to stop the song from being played and the video from being completed and I can only speculate on why they are doing this. It makes me concerned for the safety of my team in Sri Lanka and also disappointed that there are forces out there that see healing as a controversial topic.

I will say that after living in Colombo last year and traveling all over the island, I have learned that we in the Sri Lanka diaspora often jump to conclusions about what is happening in the country and what should happen, without being properly educated to the facts on the ground or taking into consideration the consequences of our opinions and actions. I have seen that the people on the grassroots level of Sri Lanka are truly united no matter what anyone’s agenda would have us believe.



The people outstation in the south, hill country, north and east don't have the luxury that many of us in the States, UK, Canada, Aussie etc. do, of being so caught up in our opinions that we don't take time to really check with the communities in the island about how they feel. So I think it is very important for me as an artiste to be strategic with the way I address the whole topic. I do not want to antagonize the situation by accusing or placing blame on anyone. However, I refuse to let fear or intimidation stop this push towards progress for a prosperous Sri Lanka for all her citizens. We have a beautiful island with a diverse range of culture within it, all "Heal Lanka" is saying is that it is time to speak honestly and put aside the hostility of the past so we can achieve true and lasting peace.”

Promoter and Manager, Yazmin Yousuf said, “we will not be intimidated by such cowardly acts; the video will be out no matter what they throw at us."


By Reihan Stephen




  1. Thomas P says:

    Why would anyone fight against love and progress. Ras Ceylon is the REAL DEAL!

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