Meet the Top 10!

Aug 16 2013.

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The Top 10 contestants of Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2013 had their first official photoshoot together, at the Horizon Room of the beautiful Mt. Lavinia Hotel, on Sunday the 4th of August.  Mt.Lavinia hotel's stunning structure and magnificent historical love story is what made it the perfect location to complement the beauty of our gorgeous contestants. The girl's elegant hair and makeup were the work of the Cutting Station crew, choreography was all thanks to Mr. Lou Ching Wong and photography by Ruvin De Silva.
We spoke to Mahika Chandrasena, the Group Manager Corporate Communications PR of the Mt.Lavinia Hotel about MUSL 2013, and here's what she had to say;
“The brand equity we gain with this well known brand name which is patented and trademarked with the collaborative partnership of Donald J Trump and NBC Universal of USA, setting the bar for beauty pageants is far more of a valuable asset than any monetary gain. Hence the qualitative elements of prestige, reputation and associating with this event far exceeds the mileage that we get and indeed we are pleased to be partnering with such a professional and credible event."
Some of the best moments were caught behind the scenes, so don't forget to check them out at!















photography by Ruvin De Silva


  1. araliya says:

    All the best to all the participants........Denushka looks very elegant

  2. Ms.123 says:

    I think myself is better than these ladies :P

  3. Gemba says:

    I am sorry to say, not much of real choice here. Where are the Sri Lankan beauties?

  4. Hoona says:

    Hardly a selection here. Where are all the beautiful women in our country? None of these women would pass the first round of selections at a international beauty contest (sorry). Its best we keep away, if this is all we have as contestants. Thats the truth.

  5. Thush Gunawardhana says:

    If these are the beauties we have, then it does not look good for sri Lanka's future in the pageant world. They look awful, one has a nose like a ducks beak, another jug ears which puts those of prince Charles to shame while another has a cow catcher! If we can't find beauties better to scrap the competition!

  6. Gamarala says:

    Aiyo ! It looks like this lot will trip over the first bidet, on their way to the competition.

  7. M16 says:

    oh man!!! no offence...but my kusi amma was better looking in her young days and i cant find any one good...i think we need girl that have Glamour..i feel sorry that sri lanka will never have the likes of women of rosy.nushara,and so on..well all the best girls..let the best win e

  8. Positive says:

    Looking at the above comments, none has ever watched a Ms.Universe Pageant.Its not only about the beauty they consider mostly the intelligence! Refer the previous article.

  9. Reggie says:

    It' not that I want to be rude, but I'm sad to say, most of them look that they are over the hill. It is like our Sri Lankan Airlines cabin crew where all look over 40's. with wrinkles, skin disorders or over dolled up. We have plenty of pretty ladies around, where have they gone???

  10. Gas Gemba says:

    @ Positive. Take a look at these girls on the link below . Do you in all honesty think that any of the above, would stand even a remotest chance at this contest: universe 2013

  11. Pathi says:

    I'm Sorry say, can't we find better girls than these in Sri Lanka???

  12. Hoona says:

    #Positive. Yes, most of us have watched and some of us have attended some of the previous pageants, like the last one in Las Vegas where Sri Lanka did have a good looking young woman. But this lot takes the cake. True they do judge each contestant on various merits. Beauty being #1

  13. nushani says:

    OH MY GOD!!!.Are these girls who are going to represent srilanka??? though we call in any name this is a beauty # 1 is beauty.who chose these ugly ones.cant these selectors find some beautiful elegant girls wihout selecting these ugly girls.SORRY....... SRILANKA

  14. Ershah Akil says:

    Not one beautiful woman did I find. No offense. Selectors were blind or wat?

  15. tina says:

    please change th girls or atleast the change the looks horid...!!!

  16. Trihan says:

    all look bad. don't have the pageant this time. help poor people from that money you spend

  17. NP says:

    For all the criticism these girls get, at least they have the guts to do it. Which is more than what could be said about me or the others that comment.

  18. Minol Hewage says: not sorry to say this..we can find more beatiful girls than this if you go on the road..who ever judgeed these women should be ashamed..

  19. Devni Nevindee says:

    This is to just inform you all the people that nothing is bad in taking a picture and publishing it..
    But trust me these looks does not match the girls No offence :) all of them have their own beauty but this dressing

  20. Fernando Del Real says:

    From Los Angrles ,California "Amanda really stands out, her beauty an gourges face make her one of the top model in this competition."

  21. Mrs Alawata says:

    I agree for what the most said. . None of the women in this pageant are pretty they look so old - But they think they are but not that I want to be Rude (in one word if I say for the Final 10 - Just Horrible)
    There are pretty/ Glamorous/ charismatic/ Quality girls in the Country who would not come forward to a cheap pageant like this. It’s a shame for Sri Lanka that we represent all Ugly s to the world..... Parents should take the responsibility when sending these types of girls to Pageant

  22. alias says:

    Where are all the beautiful Girls of Lanka???? Sorry Girls may be you should take your education and use it else where (you are not beauty queen material. Everyone looks ordinary here, have the judges gone MAD? If they are all coming from highly educated back grounds, why were they not smart enough to figure out that they are not beauty queen material. Pageant organizers should set standards, This is a disgrace to Sri Lanka, is this what you want the world to see, That Sri Lankan Girls are UGL

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