Meet the Cast

Mar 06 2014.

views 1652

Meet the Cast of “Madai Tommiya Facebook Giya”

Sri Lanka is fortunate to be blessed with a theatre loving community that always ensure that theatres are patronised almost every weekend  be it Sinhalese or English theatre. Indu Dharmasena is a director amongst a handful who have stood the test of time, seen Sri Lankan theatre through its dark days and today is one of the most successful directors in the Island. Indu says “I never considered myself a writer, I always preferred directing.” However in his long career, Indu has just reached the milestone of writing his 60th play!  And what better way to pull it off other than with his most successful “Tommiya” franchise. We headed down to the Lionel Wendt to meet the cast of “Madai Tommiya Facebook Giya” and this is what they had to say about the characters and working with Indu:

Indu Dharmasena: Tommy

Tommy is pretty much the same guy from the previous shows; he doesn’t understand the concept of  being rude and therefore questions the mannerisms of Colombo’s upper class.


Sanwada Dharmasena: Ducky Labugoda

Lucky is a novelist and one part of the famous Labugoda Sisters who are constantly in fashion magazines.  However unlike her sister, she is more skeptical about things that people say. “Working with Indu has been great. I’ve been doing it for the past 10 years and since I became his wife, the responsibilities have increased in getting involved but nevertheless it has been a fun ride.”


Nihili Senarath: Lucky Labugoda

I am the other ‘Famous’ sister who plans to pursue a career in acting but is scared to because of what my family will think about it. Lucky is very gullible and therefore will believe anything that anyone says. She has the tendency to rely on her sister to make decisions for her.


Seneli Ranatunga: Mihiri Milagiriya

Mihiri is a socialite who has nothing better to do with her life other than visit the salon every week. Her husband earns more than enough so therefore she does not work. Overall she is a very nice person and a very colourful character.


Anoop Kapukotuwa: Shakiya

I play a role that is very small but influential, and Shakiya is an award winning film director who decides to hold auditions for his upcoming movie at the salon after it became famous. Shakiya is also one of the very artsy hippy type directors.


Keshan Leitch: Tony

“I supply goods”. *Notices the look I give him* NO, NOT THOSE GOODS!!! Goods for the salon and I am a very angry person because everyone I approach turns me away. However I am a good guy. This is my first play out of school and working with Indu has been nothing short of fantastic.



Priyanka Holsinger: Angie

Angie is one of those newly rich and extremely spoilt women. Angie was featured in the first play of the franchise and is now making a return. She is also a wannabe.


Michael Holsinger: Andana Silva

Andana is the owner of the salon and is slightly effeminate and helps Tommy to become the person he wants to be and in general is the average helpful little jonny.


Chitranga Kariyawasam: Aunty Lucy

Aunty Lucy used to be  extremely poor, however she managed to go to Dubai and then she comes back loaded! She also wants her daughter Angie, to marry the village headman’s son although he is mentally challenged. However she is very ambitious, strong and gets her way. “I have been working with Indu since his first play and it’s a treat to work with him.”


Yasal Ruhunage: Mahesh

A very effeminate hairdresser, who is is hell-bent on teaching Tommy English. I live, eat, drink and breathe Facebook. I am also a gossip monger!


Anushan Selverajah: Rehan Madadeniya

An opportunist who uses people left right and centre and tries to create havoc wherever he goes. He also deals with different people in different manners. Therefore you can say he is a mask because he puts on a different show for different people. “It is always awesome to work with Indu. I get yelled at a lot but I think I need it.”


Keshiya Leitch: Tanya

I am the employee that every employer wishes to have. I treat customers nicely and I’m also very efficient as I want to maintain law and order at the salon. “This is my third play with Indu and nothing has turned out for the bad. It has always been great working with him.”



Shohan Chandiram: Niroshan Sanasana

An actor who is also a client at the salon, he also wants to star in Shakiya’s flms and therefore tries to get noticed by quite literarily stalking him.


Tickets for the show are available at the Lionel Wendt. Rs.2000/-, Rs.1500/-, Rs.800/-, & Rs.500/- (balcony unreserved).


By Reihan Stephen
Pics by Pradeep Dilrukshana



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