
Jun 12 2013.

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The lighter side of Malaka Silva
· Full name : Malaka Silva
· Nickname : Mala
· Favourite sport : Rugby
· Height : Above the average Sri Lankan smiley
· Hair colour : Black and blonde sometimes 
· Eye colour : Black
· In love? : That’s for me to know and for you to find out
· Education : S.Thomas' College and then went to the USA
· Life’s Motto : Keep your friends close but enemies closer
I am sure that this young lad does not need any special introduction. He is Malaka Silva, who was in the spotlight of controversy months ago. I met Malaka to get to know his lighter side. Malaka is always in a joyful mood and shows a lot of courage in facing any problems that come his way. He is a sports addict and he is quite the fashion icon himself. 
If there was a time machine which you have access to, what date will you go back to and why?
This may seem hard to believe but the honest answer to that question would be that I would like to go back to the time when my father was not a political figure. At that time in my life, I was so free to do whatever I wanted and not be in the public eye and under immense media scrutiny. 
I recently became aware of news that you had visited an ill-fated person and helped him. Tell me more about that day? 
This is not the first time I’ve helped a person or people in the society. I am very much engaged in charity work whenever I get a free time. But I don’t want to show off what I do in terms of charity. It’s just that the media doesn’t show that part of me and always exposes me whenever I go wrong. 
I was informed about this poor mother and her son through youtube by a close friend and I thought of visiting them and helping them as much as I could. I thank the media for at least showing me that and I will continue helping people to the best of my ability.

What do you love most about Sri Lanka?
I consider myself 100% Sri Lankan and I love every bit about Sri Lanka, except all the bad things that happen. 
I am sure you are under tremendous pressure from media and gossips, how do you handle them?
Everywhere in the world people always attack individuals that are making some sort of impact on society, be it good or bad. I always try to take positive points out of something that may seem negative. I don't tend to think for hours and days about people talking rubbish because at the end of the day, my family and close friends know who the real Malaka Silva is. And I have a conscience myself and one day I hope that everyone else will also be able to see that there’s so much more to me than meets the eye.
What are you engaged in these days and what’s your plan for the future?
I’m doing a bit of charity work and also focusing on kick-starting my new foundation which I hope to get going by the end of the year. I can’t tell you about what my future plans are because you asked me not to talk about politics.
Malaka, you are fit and a lean mean machine yourself, share your secret with the readers?
It’s all about discipline and I usually wake up at 6.00 both weekdays and weekends and do a bit of push-ups and ab exercises. I go to the gym and do my daily exercises afterwards. I also try to maintain a healthy diet which usually consists of high protein and fruits.

Text & pics by Jayantha Fernando
The views expressed by the readers by way of comments are their own and DO NOT reflect the opinions of 


  1. QC says:

    What a load of cr*p! This man belongs in a mental institution for all the ruthless nasty things he does to people, especially to foreign women in hotels and luxury apartments.

  2. delon says:

    good on you buddy, dnt let negative comments get to you..after all we do live in colombo and people love talking sh*t!!

  3. chand says:

    Education : S.Thomas' College and then went to the USA .

    USA-its a degree or a diploma,,
    I have been to USA it some kind of a educational qualification.

  4. LK says:

    Next week on Life Online: "The lighter side of Duminda Silva". Stay tuned...

  5. Silva says:

    ඔයා ඔය එක එක එක්කෙනා කියන කතා ගනන් ගන්න එපා මාලක අයියේ. අපි දන්නවනේ ඔයා කවුද කියලා. ෂා බලන්නකො ඔයා දැන් කියවන පොත් පත්. පින්තූරෙ දැක්ක ගමන් තෙරුනා අපිට ඔයා දැන් සෑහෙන දියුණුයි කියලා.

  6. jayantha de soyza says:

    this guy is like "re danielle dawal migel"..he s good in the morning and bad in the night..but nice to see a different story to this guy

  7. jessica says:

    nice to see you the link sent by a friend of mine!! i was shocked when i read the comment by some guy called a nice guy and sometimes i wondered if u were actually gay cos u were hardly talking to me or my friend last year!!! anyways wish u al the very best and keep in touch ..

  8. anil de silva says:

    nice to see that there is more to this guy than what meets the eye...thought that u were quite the bad boy but this is nice to know that people are different in normal lives..good luck son

  9. Dilushinie De Silva says:

    Why dailymirror posting articles on this nasty guy? Aren't there any better guys in Sri Lanka??? I don't like this guy

  10. aponso says:

    ela kiri malaka, now this is a version we didnt know, wish u good luck and good that you have changed and more serious now

  11. David Ebert says:

    This guy and the person who interviewed him are both neanderthals. Who do they think they're kidding? This is the depths that journalism has sunk to sadly.

  12. ravana says:

    ලගදි ඡන්දෙ ඉල්ලන්න හිතාගෙන ඉන්නවද දන්නෙ නෑ. මට නම් අපර භාගෙනුත් හිනා. :පී :ඩී

  13. randhima says:

    hello malaka, good luck in changing, you seem to have the potential to be a good human being, i hope u have learnt from your past mistakes and make a change for the of luck!

  14. Ruchika Ratnayake says:

    know the guy really well and im one of is few closest friends. He is a friend who had been there for me at my difficult times, even though he tries to make fun of me till i break but unsuccessful not being able to do so :-) Is he perfect? no. neither am i. Is he getting better by every month? yes. so am i

  15. Alison says:

    hi malaka, nice seeing you after a long time..good to know that the media finally sees the good in you:) good luck buddy

  16. td says:

    peoples money................ They are playing, your writing, we are watching nothingness ..........

  17. tisal says:

    people should always be given the opportunity to change, malaka has made mistakes but who hasn't?? lets see what the future has in store for u young lad:) tc

  18. deepal says:

    y people don t see the reality??these are all peoples money...they wast our money//

  19. Ajay says:

    It is very easy to comment on somebody and make him look like an DEVIL, all this senceless comments, look at the face see the profile of the picture number 2, this humanbeing is like all humanbeing filled up with goodness and has a right to defend his ground, No Matter who it may be, thats a Mans given RIGHT. I can only define from experiance that this individual is a freindly loving kind respectful humanbeing, we are all for a matter of fact ! some are powerful some are not, this is all over th

  20. MJ says:

    All u negative people are idiots!! i think the the problem with CMB is that people tend to be jealous of everything and everyone!! the guys being interviewed, read it and observe if the dude is going to change!! or best yet, do some sort of job that might keep you haters busy... c ya

  21. Kanchan says:

    All the best for a bright future Malaka......Listen to your needy people and keep up the good work!. Life is your's to handle and enjoy.....I appreciate your good work! God Bless!!

  22. Hade Sheriff says:

    Daily Mirror will not be regarded as a good paper when you market sons of rowdy thugs

  23. Hade Sheriff says:

    Daily Mirror will not be regarded as a good paper when you market sons of rowdy thugs

  24. Malika says:

    I really don't know you are a good person or bad person as i have not seen you doing anything good or bad in front of my eyes. But if you did bad or good they will follow behind you for sure. That is the nature. For me i can't sleep at night if i am guilty i don't know if you can. I dunno if you read the Gossip9 article saying that you will be the president. if not then must read and should act like that. "what goes around comes around"

  25. hm says:

    I used to think that the Daily Mirror was a respectable newspaper. Apparently not. The only thing this man is famous for is his thuggery, not his fashion sense and definitely not his humor.

  26. AA says:

    Can't mirror find better people to interview. people who have done a service to this country and its people than "thugs" like this. Shame on you! is this the kind of journalism that you are proud of?

  27. Piyumi says:

    Hi Malaka Aiya..can you please tell me the name of the gym that u go to because me and my brother also want to go..and maybe u can give him your schedule;) don't worry Aiya, u don't have skinny legs!! Footballers also have skinny legs so u have nothing to worry about :):)

  28. Uthum says:

    Hi, I am from matara and now living in Colombo, Malaka people in cmb jealous of people who come from down south and do well,
    don't worry sir, u contest from matara and will become 1st in the list

  29. Piyumi says:

    Hi Malaka Aiya, you are also on my fb and I will send you a message now..please don't forget to the send me the schedule ..thx and wish u the best

  30. Samantha says:

    Hello Malaka, I don't think you can remember me but I saw you at Malu Malu resort, I was with 4 girls near the beach hut:) don't know much about you but I must say you a nice body for a Sri Lankan guy:) i sent you a request on Facebook but u haven't accepted..plz accept!!

  31. Gon Banda says:

    DM,is there no other worthwhile person to do a news item on in Sri Lanka? One we all could emulate and not someone like this whole reputation is questionable.

  32. Jagath says:

    Very big thank you to daily mirror for this interview, after reading only bad things about Malaka it is nice to see his human side as well. Who are we to judge when we have not witnessed what he has done..I hope this paper will publish more about his good deeds as well:.well done again daily mirror

  33. Mee Haraka says:

    I cannot believe the number of people sucking up to this individual on this blog. Maybe, to get favors done by him. In Sri Lanka there is no self respect today. Those days are long gone. Now only nefarious characters is the norm. Even the daily papers are sucking up for the crumbs that fall of the tables.

  34. Thomian says:

    S. Thomas' College? seriously now? You have the gall to mention it, when you were "asked to leave" (read- "..or be sacked") due to your bad behavior. A blot on the name of this great institution.

  35. Reader says:

    wait can you even read English ... Iv heard you speak, what you speak is a language called "Broken English" ... The only thing fortunate in your life was that you were a Thomian, unfortunately for the thousands of other distinguish Thomians whose alma mater has been tarnished thanks to you ....

  36. Narcotics says:

    Malaka .. You conveniently forgot to mention about your hobby/business venture ... Distribution of Narcotics to the Party people of Colombo ... You dont fool us with these silly write ups .. Whole of Colombo knows what a waste of a life you are ... one PATHETIC INDIVIDUAL !!!

  37. Ryan says:

    so many haters in the world...haha.. all the people here posting lots of hateful sh*t...the people here must be jealous of this guy cos he s living a good life

  38. Indrajith says:

    this guys a good guy from what i know, who cares what he s like in nightclubs.. and i ve always seeing him with a big group of friends

  39. stacy says:

    Hey malaka. nice to see you cos its being ages since we lat met, crazy article and good info :) tc xxx

  40. Shamal says:

    everyone should be given a chamce to change, and this guy has changed then all the best to him, he seems like a nice guy, met him once and very friendly an helpful

  41. Priyanjit says:

    Good job dailymirror..many people criticizing but I think it's very good that you are showing this guys otherside..after all I have seeing him with friends and for man guy to have atleast one friend , means that there is a human side to him as well..I hope he has changed and if so all the best

  42. Kapila says:

    Hi , just a quick reply to someone who calls himself "reader"..I was disgusted when u started talking about broken English, if Malaka didn't know Sinhala it would have being bad, but he has nothing to be ashamed about..all this so called people who go behind foreign people are the people who talk perfect being jealous people and get a life..and stop blaming daily mirror for putting this article's good that daily mirror took the initiative to put something good about thi

  43. Charith says:

    So much haters and jealous freaks in the world today!! Seriously the way your talking about this guy..hahah..this is just a side to him that we never knew so thank you daily mirror:) for all the haters out there, get a life!!

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