Jiah's suicide letter found

Jun 09 2013.

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Jiah Khan, who was found hanging from her ceiling on June 4 apparently, left a letter behind. Jiah’s mother, actor Rabia Khan was going through her things and personal belongings when she found the letter. The six-page note was not addressed to anybody, nor did it clearly mention anyone to be responsible for her suicide.
The note reads, “By the time you will be reading this letter, probably by then I won’t be there in this world.” Jiah also mentioned about a failed relationship in the letter. “You have cheated me… I trusted the relation… You didn’t care about the relation.” The actor was apparently seeing Aditya Pancholi’s son, Suraj Pancholi at the time.
The note also specified about a medical procedure she underwent. The family is now trying to get in contact with her friends and the hospital to figure out what medical operation Jiah went through.
Rabia has already given a copy of the letter to the police, who are investigating the letter and analysing it to confirm Jiah’s handwriting. While the Nishab actor has not clearly identified Suraj as the root of her problems, the police officials are keeping a close watch on him.


  1. shiranee Fernando says:

    Such an beauty..and waste of a life that had a future ahead of her....that is why they say sometimes love hurts when you are in it...truly.

  2. Abdul Hak says:

    But girls can easily break our heart than boys My deepest sympothy for Jiah

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