Jacky to return to her roots?

Apr 16 2013.

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Chandram Rutnam has apparently approached Jacqueline to star in a film based on real-life double murders in the '80s Colombo.
She may have done several films in Bollywood, but Jacqueline Fernandez is looking to return to her roots. According to reports, Los Angeles-based director of Sri Lankan origin, Chandram Rutnam has apparently approached Jacky to star in an English film, co-starring Alston Koch, who is a singer-telly actor from the South country.
The film apparently is based on a real-life incident that took place in Colombo in 1980.
A source says, “Jacky is in an exciting stage of her career. After Race 2, she has caught the eye of many filmmakers. She has now been approached to feature in an English film that is based on a true story. She has a huge fan base overseas and Koch has already been signed for the project. The makers are keen to have her on board.”
A source close to the actress however says that Jacqueline is taking her time to make a decision. “The subject of the film is quite controversial and Jacky is thinking things through. She is excited to get an offer from a Sri Lankan filmmaker.” 
Murder he wrote!
The plot deals with the story of Father Matthew Pieris, a priest who planned the chilling murders of his wife and the husband of his mistress. The incident is also famously known as the Vicarage Murders. 


  1. Bodubalaya says:

    What is this Sri Lankan "looks"Mahesh is talking about? Is there any archetypical Sri Lankan look? We are a mixed race, and all Sri Lankans will be proud of anyone who does not damage the image of the country. Barak Obama must be having "American" look. Grow up mate.

  2. Mahesh says:

    This fraud of a woman can NEVER return to her so-called "ROOTS" for the simple reason that she looks nothing like a Sri Lankan. She looks middle eastern, latino. People connect through looks and if you don't look like the general population then you don't belong here.

  3. Calistus Jayatilleke says:

    Mahesh, can you tell us how should a Sri Lankan look like - for instance, is there a particular specification like complexion, built, vital statistics etc. that one must have to look like a Sri Lankan God created all human beings with a plan and purpose, so let us learn to respect His creations.

  4. True Sri Lankan says:

    Mahesh, are you or were you ever educated? Just read your rubbish comment and stop being so shallow. The colour of a Sri Lankan has nothing to do with whether we are true Sri Lankans. Its our diversity that has made this country such a great place. It's people like you that completely ruin and misguide purple . She is a great ambassador to our country and a very rare one at that. We all must be proud to call her Sri Lankan and I can assure you that she herself proudly reminds people of her Sri L

  5. Mahesh says:

    Diversity is not a strength, it is a weakness. More diverse a society/ country the more problems it has. Why did this woman go to "bollywood"?? Cos cannot move with Sri Lankan artists cos she looks completely different to them and can't talk proper Sinhala. If is only because fair Burgher people could not live together with different (dark) looking Sinhalese that they migrated by the 1000s to Australia in the 1950s. Otherwise, if "diversity" was a strength, they would have stayed here. I have n

  6. Mahesh says:

    Here is an example of a "Sri Lankan look" : http://www.films.lk/uploads/photos/artists/Manjula-Kumari1947.jpg

  7. Ray says:

    Does she even own a Sri Lankan passport (citizenship) to call Sri Lankan?

  8. Somapala says:

    Your ideas are so idiotic and I feel you may be a Balu Sena man.

  9. True Sri Lankan says:

    Seriously Mahesh. You are absolutely twisted. The burghers left because of a lack of opportunity created by people who shared similar selfish sentiments to you, not because they didn't feel they were Sri Lankan. Shows how much you know about the history of this country. The US is the most diverse country in the world hence the country's success. That's all I have to say to that idiotic comment of yours about diversity being a weakness

  10. Dee says:

    Mahesh, facts? If someone has green hair and blue teeth, but still an SL birth certificate then the person is Sri Lankan. Who is this ordinary Sri Lankan you speak of? What do you mean by 'ordinary'. By the same measure are some people then extraordinary Sri Lankans? And how come you consider yourself qualified to make the judgment and set the rules for Sri Lankanism?

  11. chandima says:

    @mahesh "Diversity is not a strength, it is a weakness. More diverse a society/ country the more problems it has." your logic behind it is flawed, not to mention that the statement itself is untrue. Take Canada for example, a highly diverse country which doesnt really have "problems" take the UK, Australia or even the US, im canadian sri lankan so i may be biased but anyone can take what i said and evaluate it at face value.

  12. True Sri Lankan says:

    It's amazing how Mahesh doesn't consider himself a minority. Just by reading these posts it truly shows that Sri Lankans are for the most part tolerant of all races. Mahesh belongs to such a small minority of shallow thinking, self centred individuals who certainly have no place in our society. Good luck to you Mahesh and others who think like you. I certainly don't want to be in your shoes. Think about it Mahesh, I hope this barrage of comments helps you to see through your despicable attitude

  13. True Sri Lankan says:

    @ray...as far as I know, yes, she is a dual national. Oh by the way, so is the defence secretary of Sri Lanka. He is a citizen of the US and Sri Lanka. What's your point?

  14. Buddhika says:

    Mahesh .. Grow UP ! or at least do us Sri Lankans a favor and keep your petty minded twisted opinions to your self because they stink and we don't want to relate to it.

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