Jackie looks fierce!

Oct 15 2013.

views 2775

Jackie looks fab, fierce and flawless in her new phototshoot!
The Sri Lankan actor is a visual delight on the cover page of a popular glossy. She manages to look sophisticated yet sexy, all at once…. Jacqueline Fernandez has graced the cover of L’Officiel and the babe looks stylish and seductive with wing-tipped eyes.
On the cover, Jackie is seen in an all black avatar with a no-nonsense expression on her face. The cover describes her as a star who swears by vintage. Hmmm… Well, vintage or not, ain’t she looking hot?
Jacqueline looks like a dream personified in all the costumes she has worn, from the mustard yellow dress with a dangerously low neckline to the red netted frock, Flaunting her amazing figure in a black dress with dark smeared lips, Jackie is the absolute diva in this one too.
Her accessories too are interesting. All in all, we love Jacqueline in this cover shoot. 


  1. la vérité says:

    Stunning pictures. A gorgeous beautiful woman. The pride of Sri Lanka.

  2. la vérité says:

    She did represent Sri Lanka at an International event in the USA. If she was not Sri Lankan that would not have happened. What is your definition of a Sri Lankan or what does a Sri Lanka look like to you? Your comment is very racist to say the least. It appears from your comment, that according to you anyone who does not look like a Sinhalese is not a Sri Lankan.

  3. Gamarala says:

    She was born in Sri Lanka. Both her parents were born in Sri Lanka. What more do you need for her to be Sri Lankan?. Sri Lanka is her nationality by birth. So according to you, everyone else who does not look like you is not Sri Lankan, Is that it?

  4. says:

    Pride of sri lanka? Rofl there is nothing about her that even looks sri lankan.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Her mother is a malysian, but father is a srilankan...she's half srilankan. and she's in India full time

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