May 12 2014.
views 1230
Welcome to our weekly feature on couples, where we’d be chatting to couples in Sri Lanka about their relationship. Starting off, we speak to Ishan and Shanaz De Lanerolle!
Ishan and Shanaz De Lanerolle
1. When did you first meet and how long has it been since?
- 13th Nov 2005 in church.. I was commissioned to train the choir and Shanaz was the choir leader.
2. What was the first thing about your partner that you were attracted to?
- Ishan - Her humor and style
- Shanaz - His deep speaking voice and his attire.
3. What do you think maintains a successful relationship for you both? (Friendship/physical attributes etc)
- We are compatible on every level, whether it being, choice of attire, colour scheme for the house, music etc. We also understand each other and we try to support each other in our areas of work, she supports us with the De Lanerolle Brothers and my teaching and I support her with Anna's Kitchen.
4. What is the best thing you like about your partner?
- Ishan - Her unconditional love
- Shanaz - His extreme patience, in all situations and people of all ages and his caring ways.
5. What is something you detest about your partner?
- Ishan - I don't detest anything but it would be great if she learns to delegate, which will ease up her work load.
- Shanaz - absolutely nothing.
6. Describe your relationship in a word?
- Ishan - Beautiful
- Shanaz - exciting