Born and raised in Sri Lanka, Jacqueline was on a staple Sri Lankan and Malay diet of curry and rice until she moved to Mumbai. Being athletic since childhood, she never really had to work too hard to stay in shape as she did not put on weight too easily. Her charming looks and fit body were enough to woo the judges at the Miss Sri Lanka pageant which she eventually won.
Her initial films tanked at the box office but she managed to create a buzz in the industry thanks to her hot physique. While she looked hot
onscreen, she wasn’t her fittest self in the beginning. She once admitted that one had to be quite slim in order to look good onscreen as the camera always makes you look fatter than you really are. This for her meant crash diets, starving herself before shoots and then hogging at length after it. She experimented with various kinds of fad diets before she realised it is important to be fit on a regular basis than just looking slim onscreen.
Though she hit the gym regularly, she wasn’t too inclined towards it and did not enjoy working out. Then she came across yoga and embraced it as a lifestyle. She now practises yoga for an hour, five days a week and enjoys these sessions. Her skin’s glowing, she looks fresher and it is also a stress reliever for her mind and body.
Jacqueline believes in a simple yet healthy diet and swears by her dose of fresh fruits, salads, and green tea. Her day starts with warm water with lime and honey, raw fruits and boiled or scrambled eggs. She prefers having a vegan lunch full of salads, lentils and brown rice while dinner consists of grilled fish and veggies. According to her, the body needs the right amount of carbs, fats and proteins for it be healthy and fit. But one thing that Jacqueline totally avoids is sugar, indulging in her cravings only once in a while.
Her workout regimen starts with a light warm-up and about 20 rounds of suryanamaskar. She also includes other asanas like vrikshasana, utkatasana, poorna halasana, kapalbhati kriya and anulom vilom in her regime.
And the regime seems to be working as well because we’ve not seen anyone look that good onscreen for a very long time!
Ando says:
Apr 30, 2013 at 12:00 amOh... she is beautiful!
Wasa says:
Apr 30, 2013 at 12:00 amDisgusting...... This woman does NOT represent our decent girls..
vérité says:
May 01, 2013 at 12:00 amWasa - You speak for yourself. What is indecent about her? You are a narrow minded envious jerk.
Chatz says:
May 02, 2013 at 12:00 am"Born and raised in Sri Lanka" - Born in SL true but can't say she was raised here as she wasn't here most of the time when she was growing up.
Decency depends on individual’s perspective. Beside you shouldn’t judge a person just by looking at what they are wearing. Anyway for me nothing wrong of what Jacki is wearing as it’s clearly for a photo-shoot.
rasika says:
May 04, 2013 at 12:00 amoh...sweet heart, ilike you
Rasika Kumara says:
May 04, 2013 at 12:00 amhai lovely girl i like to be your friend.