May 24 2013.
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Suhail Kuthubdeen (Ruggerite, team CR & FC, Wesley College)
Age: 19 years
Weight: 69 Kg
How and when did you adopt training and a healthy lifestyle?
I started my training in 2011 due to College Rugby,and when we talk about a healthy lifestyle it is composed of a number of factors, of which diet and exercise are the most obvious. Learning to deal with stress, getting enough sleep, not smoking and drinking
How do you stay motivated?
This is a very important question. Well there are many ways to be motivated! It’s not that simple as we think; concentration is much important 1) Have your reasons 2) Make it fun 3) Rewarding myself 4) Recognizing my progress
What types of exercises have worked best for you?
I mostly concentrate on the lower body (Legs) and the upper body (shoulders)
What does your diet consist of?
Keeping yourself strong and healthy can begin simply enough by what your diet consists of. The saying, “you are what you eat” is true, as making smart choices about your diet can help you to feel better. A nutritional diet consists of a variety of food. From protein to vegetables, every food group is as significant as the other; it's just a matter of including enough of them all into your daily routine.
Carbs were considered the best way to build up and store energy.
The problem with high carbs is that it also induces sleepiness, which is typically offset with caffeine, which is a diuretic, which causes the loss of water, which causes dehydration and slowness, which is countered with caffeine, etc... The ideal meals are producing through the day with simple natural unprocessed carbs, and chicken, lots of water. Of course, that doesn't really happen. So my main courses are low fat meats, and lots of water.
Top 3 favourite exercises?
Rugby Fitness Training and bodybuilding are two different things an My favorite exercises are Hack Squats Dumbell Bench Presses and the Power Cleans
Do you like to listen to music whilst you train/exercise?
You never feel tired when you do your Workout or Cardio sessions while listening to good music because it minimizes stress,it really helps you.
What is your training routine like?
My Rugby Club (CR &FC) gives me the training session called Elite lift for off season training. Basically its normal lifting but smaller weight and a lot more reps and a very little rest time in between (we are supposed to do 45 seconds lifting and 15 second rest) this doesn't help to increase muscle mass as much but it helps more towards rugby where endurance is used at field
Have you had any setbacks in achieving your goal?
When dealing with setbacks, it is likely that your first response is to react in some way. You may want to make excuses, blame someone or something or try to find a way out of the situation. When you find yourself doing this—STOP. Think about what you are doing ,achieving your goals in life is not always easy. In fact, there will be times when you fail.
How do you measure your progress?
As with most Rugby codes, rugby requires a very good level of skill, speed, agility and endurance Therefore, there are many components of fitness that are important for success. The importance of each component of fitness will depend on the playing position, where the strength is important for the props, and speed for the backs. There are few fitness components that I used to do Flexibility,Strength & Power,Speed,Body Fat and mainly Agility. I do similar tests every month to check my Progress so I could improve.
Who are your favourite fitness models/athletes/idols?
Shane Williams, rugby player who represented Wales in 2011
What are you favourite healthy foods?
There are no such favorite foods that I like,but I do have a meal plan
*At least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables daily.
*Plenty of starchy carbohydrate foods, particularly high fiber varieties.
*Small amounts of protein.
*Small amounts of low fat dairy products.
*A reduction in the amount of fat, fatty foods, and sugary foods eaten.
*Plenty of fluids throughout the day
By Nivedha Jeyaseelan