Fitness Profile: Sithum Devsri

May 17 2013.

views 1176

Age: 18 years
Current weight: 78 kg
How and when did you adopt training and a healthy lifestyle? 
My mother says I used to do a lot of running around and jumping from a very small age!! Ever since 8, I have been an athlete.
How do you stay motivated?
Other than motivational speeches and videos on youtube, the challenges I face in life keeps me motivated.
What types of exercises have worked best for you?
Chest and abdominal exercises have worked the best for me.
What does your diet consist of?
Lots of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. And less amount of carbohydrates and sugar.
How do you deal with cravings for junk food, sweet and salty foods? 
“You have to commit something to get something in return.” So once a week I have my cheat day to get over all my longings!
Top 3 favourite exercises?
In the gym its squats and bench press. And outside gym pull ups
Do you like to listen to music while you train/exercise?
Yes! I don’t just listen but also sing. It makes me concentrate more.
What is your training routine like?
Gym session in the morning and ground session in the evening 5 days a week
What are you most proud of?
It is because of my school that I have got this far in sports, so I am proud of being a Wesleyite.
Have you had any setbacks in achieving your goal? 
Yes, just like everyone else I've had my setbacks too. ‘Injuries' just comes with the game of rugby. 
How do you measure your progress?
I always keep a record at the gym. When it comes to the field improving day by day is a good measurement
Who are your favourite fitness models/athletes/idols?
Richie Maccaw, Captain of the All Blacks Rugby
What are you favourite healthy foods? 
Apples, oranges, eggs and beef
By Nivedha Jeyaseelan 


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