Fitness Profile: Lakshan

May 10 2013.

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Lakshan Weerasinghe is a fitness instructor. He has previously participated and bagged awards at events like Mr. Sri Lanka, Mr. Novice and Mr. Colombo (Junior).  


How and when did you start training and a healthy lifestyle?
I started body building around 2011, now it is close to three years.
How do you stay motivated?
The aim of victory! Winning keeps me motivated.
What types of exercises have worked best for you?
Mostly resistance workout. That needs to be of high intensity.
What does your diet consist of?
I eat mostly high protein meals, minerals are important too.
Top 3 favourite exercises?
That will be squats, shoulder high row flat bench flyses
What is your training routine like?
I usually work out five days in a week.
What de-motivates you?
Injuries are a de-motivator. Also when the hard work I put into fitness is not appreciated that tends to de-motivate me.
Who are your favourite fitness models or athletes?
Frank Zane and Dorian Yates
By Nivedha Jeyaseelan



  1. Rumesh says:

    Well done lakshan m proud of u dude keep it up.As a gym mate of u m really proud

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