Fitness Profile: Dinuka

Jun 07 2013.

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Dinuka Jayasuriya (PJ)
Age: 20
Weight: 80kg
How and when did you adopt training and a healthy lifestyle?
The word “Fitness” and it’s meaning always fascinates me. It’s a shame if a person can live and never see what they are capable of, Things they can do with their own bodies and the way they could live and prosper. Being educated at a school where Rugby plays a major role, I was immediately drawn towards being fit and lean.
I needed that strength and that look that represented power and dominance, Something that could define more of who I am and who I can be. I started off with Martial Arts back in 2008. That was how I stepped in to creating a healthy lifestyle and Martial Arts helped me build up my core strength and my endurance. 
How do you stay motivated?
I constantly keep track of my own progress with every method that I could. I jot down my weight training progress, as I push towards heavier weights. The internet being very widely used all around the world, I follow my favorite athletes and bodybuilders through sites like Youtube and Facebook where they post videos and tips for their followers.
Last but not least, I take photographs of my progress for comparison. It always puts a smile on my face when I compare how I looked a few months back and how much I’ve grown since then. 
What types of exercises have worked best for you?
For me, being strong andlooking lean are equally important. Therefore my workout plans are organized such that power building exercises are included in my weight training routines. I continue both my martial arts training and my weight training to ensure that my agility and my endurance are equally being progressed along with my body.
My weight training routines are ‘split’ in to different days, by assigning 2 muscle groups per workout day. This ensures that my muscles get the maximum out of the workout and also allows me to fully concentrate on the particular muscle and give out my best. 
What does your diet consist of?

Diet plays a major role in the fitness world. It’s food that repairs our muscles and it’s food that fuels our bodies. Like any other Sri Lankan, my diet consists of every Sri Lankan delicacy that we all love. I tend to avoid foods such as ‘Kotthu’ and fast food available freely almost everywhere.  My daily diet consists of three major meals.
Between these meals I tend to eat fruits and milk products to provide the additional nutritional requirements my body needs. Yogurt and Eggs would definitely be onmy ‘favorites list’ as they are both vital in the event of providing the body with protein and rich nutrients.  
Top 3 favorite exercises?
Like any other athlete, there’s always that favorite muscle group that I love to train. That would be my shoulders since I strongly believe that ‘strong shoulders represent masculinity’. My favorite shoulder exercises would be the dumbbell press and the shoulder shrugs.
Last but not least, Chin-ups would be one of my all-time favorites, for theyare a great core strength builder and a brilliant compound workout that works out multiple muscle groups. 
Do you like to listen to music whilst you train/exercise?
Definitely. Music gives me that push when I need it the most. My weight training playlist stands steadfast in Heavy Metal and my cardio training playlist ranges from Trance to original mixes from Artists like Tiesto and Dropwizz.
I strongly encourage the habit of listening to music while training, since it takes away a lot of stress off your mind and makes it a more enjoyable workout.
Have you had any setbacks in achieving your goal?
I can answer this in behalf of any other athlete. The biggest blow in the life of an athlete would be injuries and medical conditions that happen while training. These could happen due to believing misconceptions in routines, Due to improper form or the most common reason: Accidents.
I’ve had minor setbacks when it comes to injuries and like every other athlete out there, I try my best to engage in my workouts with proper form and guidance. This would be the key to avoiding accidents in the field and in the gym.
How do you measure your progress?
To me, progress means bigger and stronger. If I’m able to push my workouts further and with every new week, if I feel like I’m capable of handling more weight than what I managed with the previous week, I know that I’m doing things right.
When it comes to size, I keep track of myself with photos and notes, like I mentioned before. Progress is displayed not only physically, but mentally as well.I aim to stabilize my mind and prepare myself for a much harder challenge with the start of every new week. 
Who are your favorite fitness models/athletes/idols?
My list is endless but I’m immensely inspired by Aziz Shavershian also known as “Zyzz”, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Greg Plitt and CT Fletcher. These “kings” as I like to call them, take their valuable time to not only to advise us but to demonstrate and motivate us, amateur athletes in every way they could.
These people teach us that life is not about just sitting around waiting things to happen, It’s about making things happen and being the reason it did. 
By Nivedha Jeyaseelan



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