Best Twitter Hashtags of 2015

Dec 17 2015.

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2015 in Hashtags 
In a blink of an eye, before we’ve had an opportunity to process the passing of the year, 2015 has neared its end. Worldwide, 2015 was a rollercoaster year filled with nauseating excesses of ups and a lot more downs. And thanks to social media platforms such as Twitter, with tweeps world over tweeting live and minute by minute updates, we were front row spectators to these successes and debacles. The world also said hello to Caitlyn Jenner as Zayn Malik bid adieu to One Direction leaving young fans devastated, and Adele returned with a bang.
Meanwhile, Sri Lanka too had its fair share of ups and downs and saw a spate of despicable crimes against women, changes in government and more. Twitter recently unveiled its most popular and influential hashtags - from the heartbreaking pleas for solidarity to inspiring social movements to new beginnings, it is safe to say that 2015 definitely put the world through the wringer. 
In the immediate aftermath of both the Charlie Hebdo and last month's Paris terror attacks, tweeters used the hashtag #JeSuisParis to show their solidarity with Parisians, and help direct those affected by the attacks to safe locations around the city. 
Following the shootings involving the police and the black citizens in Baltimore, Charleston and Ferguson in the United states, tweeters expressed their fury with the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, as they unified to fight racism and police brutality. 
#MarriageEquality / #LoveWins 
Same-sex marriages were legalised in Ireland and in the US which led to the #MarriageEquality hashtag, #LoveWins began trending after the US Supreme Court confirmed the legalization on the 26th of June. 
This hashtag was used to welcome refugees fleeing the conflict and genocide and making their way to Europe. 
The #IStandWithAhmed hashtag began trending when people took to Twitter in order to defend 14 year old Texan student Ahmed Mohammed who was handcuffed and detained over a homemade alarm clock wrongly mistaken for a bomb. 
Yes, THAT dress. The dress that tore families and friendships apart and had the world divided over if the dress was black and blue or white and gold. 
Making history, NASA's New Horizons probe did a successful #PlutoFlyBy, and gave us some pretty cool views of Pluto. 
Source: Twitter 
By Rihaab Mowlana


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