Street Style : Rochel Anisha

Mar 07 2016.

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Street Style : Rochel Anisha Perera 

Roshel has an eccentric sense of style that I personally think defines her to the very core. I’ve always loved how she pairs her outfits and how she manages to carry it off with utter self confidence.  “I’m someone who’s interested in trying out different styles” she says, “but class and comfy is my mantra!” 

So this week on Street Style, she’s gives us a peek into her eccentric sense of style that we just love, love, love! 

LOOK 1 : Blazer + Floral Pants 

This outfit can be worn for a formal or casual meeting with friends. I have added some colour to a normal formal look giving it a twist. It’s completed with messy hair and pair of Charles and Keith heels. It gives a modern look and I feel this look suits teenagers and even adults. 

LOOK 2 : White Buttoned Shirt + Floral Print Pleated Mini Skirt 

If you are a teenager, this outfit would be more suitable for a get together with friends, like maybe for high tea or any other casual occasion. I have coupled the plain white shirt with a floral print pleated mini skirt. A colourful necklace is paired with a stylish and comfy pair of wedges to match. Floral print outfits give a joyful look and messy hairdos gives a great finishing look. Loose hair may also be a good option to go with. 

LOOK 3 : Denim Shirt Dress 

I think this is a must have in anyone’s wardrobe because it can be used in many ways. It can work well to give a casual and formal look depending on what you couple it with. Here, I used a vibrant luminous green neck piece and a bracelet and finished off the look with denim clog heels for a perfect match. This look can be further experimented with accessories of other colours. 

Style Role Model : Well I’ve got two role models and they are none other than my stylish sisters. They have made a huge influence in my fashion sense. 

Favourite Colours to Pair : Black and white indeed! I believe that outfits in black or white give a very sleek and a classy look altogether. 

Go To Outfit : It actually depends on my mood, but definitely I give priority to comfort. So maybe a white tee or even printed tops with a pair of denim shorts and footwear, either flip flops or sandals because I am not much of a heels person. 

Style Must Have’s? 

- Eyeliner for sure! A winged eyeliner; I do it with Chambor kohl pencil. Sometimes I use my Maybelline peacock blue colossal kajal. 

- Tinted lip balm (preferably pink) 

- A bit of cream blush to enhance more. 

- Most importantly, blended oodles of ease and confidence with my significant smile on my face which I am popular for! Haha. 

Style Tip : I’ve a dusky skin, lean body structure with collar bones. I don’t believe in set norms like “certain colours go with certain skin tones only”. I create my own style. I go with anything. I experiment with my looks and invent my very own and unique looks. I am a ‘specko’ person, and I think it complements my style. To all the’ specko’ people out there, you should not be conscious- it can really add to your style. 

My motto is “don’t be a victim of fashion, don’t try too hard, just wear your attitude and just be you”. 

By Panchali Illankoon 
Photographs by M E E S H A


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