Jul 03 2014.
views 862Etisalat Lanka Connects with Sri Lanka’s Social Media ‘Network’for the third consecutive year
Colombo event ranked among the Top 8 Social Media Day events, worldwide
Sri Lanka’s leading mobile telecom innovator, Etisalat Lanka celebrated World Social Media Day by hosting Mashable Social Media Day 2014 for the third consecutive year, a significant event held for the local social media community.The Colombo event was listed among the top 8 social media day events in the world by Mashable and was attended by over 400 participants–making it one of the most acclaimed social media eventsin Sri Lanka.Etisalat Lanka together with Neo@Ogilvy has been the host and driver in organizing the Social Media Day in Sri Lanka for three consecutive years.
This year’s event highlights were: a panel discussion on the ‘Safe and Responsible use of Social Media’ by industry experts from the Ministry of Mass Media and Information, SLCERT and UNICEF, knowledge sharing discussion by entrepreneurs from the Good Market, IAMSRILANKA and CIOCONAT Lounge on ‘Driving Businesses through Social Media’, an awards presentation to recognise key influential contributors to selected Social Media platforms and featuring the first-ever crowd-sourced song titled:‘#apesinduwa’. To create the song, Etisalat requested the Facebook and Twitter communities to contribute lyrics, which were then selected and compiled to create the lyrical backbone of the song. Over 500 lyric contributions were received and the song wasinstated at Social Media Day 2014.
The most anticipated activity was recognising those who have contributed positively to the social media community in Sri Lanka. The winners of the five award categories were; ‘Most Popular Facebook Community Page’ was received by ‘We Love Sri Lankan Cricket’ Facebook page, ‘Most Popular Tweep’ was awarded to Ayesha Hettiarachchi, ‘Most Popular Instagrammer’ to Halik Azeez, ‘Most Popular Blogger’ to KuruluTiskalanka and ‘Social Media for Social Good’ to B.H. Edirisooriya Community Service.