Jun 07 2016.
views 790Procreating - once upon a time, people didn’t think twice about it; in fact, they had kids as and when they pleased. Nowadays though, it’s become a “big decision” to be mulled over. Add to the equation global anxiety, terrorism, political unrest and overpopulation, procreation becomes a topic of debate rather than a natural progression of a couple's next step.
Handling this topic with raw and intimate realness is “Lungs”, a play by British playwright Duncan MacMillan, and directed by Sashane Perera and presented by SLM. The play follows a couple in their 30s as they navigate the pros and cons of bringing a child into this world.
Lungs is not your average play - filled with costume changes, props, a sizeable supporting cast. In fact, it features only two actors, no costume or set changes. Minimalistic and intimate, there’s no doubt the play lies square on the shoulders of the two capable actors - Tehani Chitty and Dino Corera. “While the content remains relatable and very in your face, it is also novel because it has close to 40 scenes but will not have set changes, costume changes and spans through the entirety of the couple's life,” explained director Sashane. “I would also like to mention SLM, which is producing this play. We are celebrating 20 years since our first opening night and I’m honoured that Feroze has given me the mantle to direct under the SLM banner.”
With such a premise, the equally intimate space of the Punchi Theatre makes for a perfect setting for the play. Without a doubt, this deeply human contemporary play will appeal to audiences.
Tickets are priced at Rs. 1200/- (downstairs) and Rs. 800/- (balcony), and go on sale on June 13 at the Punchi Theatre. Free seating, so first come first serve!
Lungs is set to enthrall audiences from June 23rd - 26th at the Punchi Theatre.
By Rihaab Mowlana