Grassrooted presents V Day 2018: Patrianarchy

Mar 14 2018.

views 993

On Sunday 1st April, take a look at how our patriarchal values continue to inflict violence on us in Sri Lanka when Grassrooted presents V Day 2018: Patrianarchy at IdeaHell, a renovated, air-conditioned warehouse in Colombo 3 that will allow for an improved audio-visual experience. 
Like in previous years, performances are based on interviews, discussions, and conversations with victims, survivors, and perpetrators, and stories covered by the national press. 
Written by Paba Deshapriya, Dharini Priscilla, and Hans Billimoria; V Day 2018 brings you stories centered around abortion, female genital cutting, naked pictures and shame, alcohol and women, sex work in the North, entitled misogynists, and gang rape. 


V Day 2018 : PatriANarchy directed by Jith Peiris and Hans Billimoria, and starring Michael Holsinger, Lihan Mendis, Dharini Priscilla, Haddayath Hazeer, Indu Dharamasena, Dino Corera, Ravin Fernando, Upekha Daniel, Bhoomi Harendran, Sachini Gnanapragasm, Danu Innasithamby, Sharanya Sekeram, Gehan Blok, Michelle Herft, Dominic Keller, Chitranga Kariyawasan, W Jayasiri, Anuruddha Fernando, Bimsara Premaratne, Pasan Ranaweera, Kapila Rasnayake, and Amila Rajapaksha.   


Tickets are priced at LKR 1000, with 25% off for students, and will be available at the Barefoot Gallery from Friday 16th March 2018.

For Student ticket reservations email http://[email protected]

V Day 2018: Patriarchy, Sunday 1st April, 7 pm at IdeaHell, 45/6, Alwis Place, Colombo 3.

*Suitable only for adults (18+)




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