DIY Easter Crafts

Mar 23 2016.

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Molly Sims, 42, mum of two, and blogger shared these wonderful and easy crafts for Easter on her website earlier last week. These crafts are easy to make and the supplies can be easily found at any stationery store. 

Paper Flower Bouquet 

You will need: 

Different coloured tissue paper 
Green pipe cleaners 


Unfold 3 sheets of tissue paper, either all of one color or a combination, and stack. 

Starting at one end of the shorter length, accordion fold, each fold being approximately 1 inch. 

Secure at center with a pipe cleaner, this will serve as a stem. 

Secure 2 more pipe cleaners half way between 1st pipe cleaner and ends. 

Cut into equal size lengths. Trim the end of each into a half circle. 

Take one length and while holding the pipe cleaner, carefully pull top tissue towards the middle. 

Easter Bunny Flowerpot 

You will need: 

Clay flower pot 
White acrylic paint 
Black acrylic paint 
Pipe cleaners 
Assorted sparkly pom-pom 
Googly eyes 
Planting dirt 
Fresh flowers 


Paint clay pot white and allow to dry. 

Once dry, glue on googly eyes directly above the rim of the pot. Dab glue onto the pink pom-pom ‘nose’ and place it below the eyes.

Cut pipe cleaners in four sections for whiskers. Draw a mouth with black acrylic paint under the nose. 

Glue white pom-pom to back of pot for the tail. 

Cut pipe cleaner in half then shape to form bunny ears. Glue pom-poms between each ear. Insert the straight ends into the hole of the pot to secure in place. 

Fill pot with planting dirt and arrange fresh flowers. 

Pom-Pom Chicks 

You will need: 

Yellow yarn 
Googly eyes 
Orange felt 
Orange pipe cleaners 
Hot glue 


To make pom-poms, start by wrapping a piece of yarn around a few of your fingers. Keep wrapping until you have a thick amount—the poofier the better! 

Once you have enough yarn, carefully remove the yarn from your fingers and wrap another piece of yarn around the middle of the loops. Pull the yarn around the center super tight and tie it in a knot to hold the yarn loops in place. 

Carefully trim the edges of yarn with scissors. 

Once pom-pom is shaped, glue two googly eyes onto the chick. 

Add orange felt as the beak and two little orange pipe cleaner feet. 

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