Oct 31 2014.
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Cycle Sri Lanka for Run For Their Lives 2014
Racing through heavy rain and thunderstorms, taking pictures with their selfie-stick and capturing thrilling moments on their GoPro, Eugene Selvin and Dhanushka Perera are pumped up and well on their way to completing a cycle around Sri Lanka for Run For Their Lives 2014.
Run For Their Lives (RFTL) is a 5 km annual charity run and carnival organised by the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown in aid of the National Cancer Institute, Maharagama. Last year, RFTL raised over 3.4 million rupees in medicine and equipment and attracted over 2600 participants.
Appreciating its success and growth, Eugene and Dhanushka have pledged their energy, adrenaline and stamina to raise money for RFTL among their family, friends and other supportive onlookers. Their cycle around Sri Lanka will cover 1500 km and, crossing through 13 districts and over 500 cities and towns.
Eugene and Dhanushka are employees at HSBC by weekday and adrenaline-junkies by weekend. Their Facebook profiles are filled with pictures and videos of all their previous adventures. Whether it’s a motorcycle tour of Sri Lanka’s coast, a hike in the jungles, white-water rafting with a bunch of foreigners they just met, scaling a mountain and sitting over its edge or going on a safari, Eugene and Dhanushka have done it all. They are jointly the “almost-Bear Grylls” (they still need to eat insects to get to his status) of Sri Lanka.
The two adventurers have always shared a passion for travelling and exploring the country that they love the most. How many of us have lived in Sri Lanka for decades, never having stepped foot outside our home towns or the popular holiday regions, and just wondering out into the unknown. How many of us spend more time planning our trips – where to stay and what to eat – than enjoying them? It’s a never a problem for the two charity-cyclists, they just decide where to go and before anyone can say anything, they’re already on their bikes, cycling away into the great Sri Lankan unknown.
This year, adding to their great passion for thrill, the adventurers-for-charity are currently attempting their greatest journey in order to raise money for their favourite charity. It is only fitting that they embark on a journey that will test their stamina and spirit, as Run For Their Lives does the very same (but for far less kilometres) for thousands of its participants every year.
Eugene Selvin and Dhanushka Perera are truly exemplary activists, pushing their bodies to the limit in the cold, heat and heavy rain, raising money for the people who suffer from a disease so cruel it forcefully pushes its victims to the edge of life and death. Eugene and Dhanushka are cycling to the ends of this country to raise awareness and indicate the need for medicine for these vulnerable people. They completed their tour on the 28th of October in just 11 days .
If you wish to learn more about Cycle Sri Lanka for Run For Their Lives 2014 and follow Eugene and Dhanushka’s daily progress, please visit www.facebook.com/runfortheirlives.
If you’re interested in donating towards their endeavour for the National Cancer Institute, Maharagama, you can do so in the form of direct deposits or cheques. Please address the cheque to “Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown” or you may directly deposit your donation to their Nations Trust Bank account with the account number: 025100003703 and with the account name: Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown. Please remember to endorse all deposit slips and online transfers with “RFTL 2014, Cycle Sri Lanka”.