A memorable evening with “MIDORI”

Sep 30 2019.

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The Chamber Music Society of Colombo presented “Midori” a great Gala Violin and Piano Concert on the 26th September at the Lionel Wendt Theatre with the hope of inspiring young musicians of Sri Lanka to follow western classical music. 

All proceeds of the Midori concert will be donated to the Education Fund of the CMSC, a fund that has been recently set up to help aspiring young musicians of Sri Lanka.
The Hon. President of CMSC, Mr Lakshman Joseph-de Saram, shared a few words about the society and the concert.

1. Tell us a bit about the CMSC

The Chamber Music Society of Colombo was formed quite by accident in my living room around ten years ago by myself and a few good like-minded musicians. The Society grew steadily with the support of our Board headed by our Chairman   Mohan Tissanayagam, our Chairman's Circle and generous charter benefactors, Hemaka de Alwis, our premier sponsor for the last five and a half years, and naturally, the wonderful players. We are now considered by critics and international cultural commentators as one of the most credible and well-run arts organisations in the region.

2. What is the CMSC's main target in Sri Lanka?

We are most interested in upholding, nurturing and presenting the finest music in the world, both in its appreciation and execution.

3. What inspired the new ‘Education Fund’?

Sri Lanka has a woefully inadequate pool of mature technically skilled orchestral musicians, just barely enough to fill a classical-era orchestra. If we want to expand our repertoire and improve the existing sound quality in the foreseeable future, we need to make a concerted effort in serious music education and appreciation starting now.

4. How is this concert helpful in furthering the CSMC's cause in Sri Lanka?

Midori is a luminary of the classical world, her interest in our efforts in music education is inspirational. We hope that her appearance and generosity here will galvanise others to follow her lead.

5. What are your thoughts on Midori?

It is hard to add to the kudos she has garnered over the years, but to say that in the rarefied ether of global high culture, Midori has sustained a remarkably pristine career spanning over three decades, and personally, as a friend, she is a wonderfully warm and generous person.

Mr. Mohan Tissanayagam, (Hon. Chairman of the CMSC), shared his thoughts about the importance of such programmes in Colombo.

1. What is the importance of the CSMC and what value does it add to Colombo?

The CMSC has quietly and steadily raised the standards of classical music in Sri Lanka, and its presence as a performing arts body has only added value to the Colombo cultural scene. Its vision is long term and international. I am proud to be its Chairman.

2. Why is it important to continue to present such music in Colombo?

The CMSC is known for its high quality performances of western music and its refusal to compromise on the refinement of their programming. Almost all leading cities of the East that have ancient cultures themselves, think that it’s important to have such options in their cultural calendars.

Midori unleashed an extra-ordinary performance of western classical music on the stage of the Lionel Wendt Theatre, lighting up the evening with great style and energy.
Performing alongside the great violinist was, Leva Jokubaviciute’, an extremely talented pianist. 

The performance included works by three great composers, Brahms, Debussy and Fauré.
Midori left the entire audience in a trance from the beginning to the end with great violin skills that obviously ran in her blood. She seemed to appear as a beautiful clockwork doll playing the violin with continuous grace and style. The only difference was that her emotions were visibly carried by her expressions throughout the performance.

Clothed in elaborate gowns and displaying perfect postures, the duo filled the entire theatre with spiritual music that enthralled the audience. The extra-ordinary collaboration of the two talented musicians seemed to produce music like water flowing out of the instruments that were connected to their souls. 

The evening ended with standing ovations by the highly satisfied and mesmerised audience.
After the concert, a few people shared their thoughts on “Midori".

Samanthi -

It was a fantastic show. I really loved it. I think it’s a good opportunity to have people coming in and having concerts like this. It was wonderful and I really enjoyed it. 


Grero -

It was very nice. I really enjoyed it. 


Isha Wijeyaratnam -

It was an amazing performance. This is the second time I’ve been here. I have no words actually. It’s superb. We’re so lucky to have been here and that she came and performed here. It was great. 


Savini Rajapaksha -

It was a really good show. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s the first time I’ve seen Midori live and I really enjoyed it. And it’s a great place to watch it as well. 


Saranga -

I really enjoyed the concert. It was beautiful. I didn’t find any fault in the concert. It was perfect. If anything was to be called ‘perfection', Midori would be it. 


Noriko -

I am so happy to listen to the music. Thank you for the opportunity. 


Ruvini -

Midori was regarded as a child prodigy and from a very young age, I was totally mesmerised by her. It’s such an incredible opportunity to see her perform live this year, with her artistry, communication and the way she connects with her instrument. She really brings out the soul of the violin. It was an emotional and incredible experience.


Ramesha -

It was very lively. I really enjoyed it.


Tamara -

It was a lovely show. Very unique and lovely music. It was soothing and relaxing. I really enjoyed the show.


Ashwini -

I think she played very, very nicely. The pianist was really good as well. 

Pics by: Nisal Baduge




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