8 Worst Moments on TV Shows!

Dec 11 2015.

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As this year draws to an end, it will be incomplete for me to bid 2015 farewell without compiling a list on all the great TV shows that kept us entertained throughout the year.  The discussions, conspiracy theories, plot twists, Facebook rants would have been absent making life monotonous if not for all the drama we involved ourselves in through all these shows, besides our own day to-day drama.
 As a grateful viewer, here is a goes a list of a few worst yet best moments on TV series' for the year 2015. You might have to jog your memory and go back a few months to remember what a sensation it spurred! 3 of the best yet worst moments go to Game of Thrones which took 12 Emmy awards home! 
1.  The finale of Game of Thrones, Season 5. 
 Betrayal of Jon Snow and the repeated stabbing by the men of the nights watch which followed.
Absolutely horrific turn of events, just when you thought this season would not end up like the red wedding; the directors decide to throw in a fun scene where a favourite character gets stabbed by his supposed brothers. Just great! Our hearts shattered right there.
2. Game of Thrones- Death of Shireen 
Just when you thought grammar Nazi, Stannis Baratheon is perfect to rule the seven kingdoms, he sacrifices his only daughter and heir over some superstitious notion of Melisandre! We've loved Shireen and her special bond with Davos was a touching scene. Power hungry Stannis just lost a whole bunch of loyal supporters thanks to his unwise move and lost the father of the year award by miles.
3. Game of Thrones Cersei's walk of atonement. 
No one really likes Cersei Lannister, but that walk of atonement with the repeating of Shame! Shame! With every step taken was a little too much even for a hardcore Cersei hating, GoT loving fan. It made me cringe personally and I was praying for its end, but no it went on for a good 8-10 minutes.
4. Suits - Donna left Harvey after working with him for almost ever.
Favourite duo, Donna and Harvey split up as co-workers and to make things more passive, Donna joins rival Louis.  It was quite heartbreaking to watch Harvey Specter dealing with the loss of Donna plus having panic attacks needing therapy. It was an all time low moment for Harvey which we all felt deeply for making him believably human, full of insecurities and problems of his own amidst his tough guy appearance. 
5.  Series finale of Two and a Half men.
The void of Charlie Sheen was never really filled by Ashton Kutcher but he did try his best to do the show justice and he did have a few good moments on TV. However the finale was rather disappointing and we hoped Sheen would be appearing at least for the final episode, which did not happen. 
6. Pretty Little Liars revelation of 'A'
This show did manage to create some chaos especially amongst girls who had been loyal to the show for over 5 years. The moment of truth in the finale was way over the top; Cece Drake aka Charles had been 'A' tormenting the girls because of what again? This show lost me at Cece Drake.
7.  How to get away with murder- Wes shooting Analise 
This show is the mother of plot twists and you know it's off to a mind-blowing finale when you can't really figure out who shot who, and it happens to be the most unlikely candidate which ends up being the culprit! However the shooting, deepens the mysterious connection between Analise and Wes which leaves us with all sorts of unimaginable theories. 
8. Reign - Death of the king of France- Francis 
Heard quite many rumours regarding Francis's death but whoever expected him to die after his apparent resurrection should be Nostradamus himself. Did not see that coming, and how absolutely helpless Mary was, kind of broke our hearts. The show won't ever be the same again without Francis. 
And that’s a wrap! 2016 will too be an epic year for Television, starting off with the Sherlock premier on January 1st and many other new shows to look forward to. 
      By Eshani Seneviratne


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