25 things about Chathurika

Mar 29 2013.

views 4905


25 things you didn’t know about Chathurika Fernando


Today I have someone who looks her best, and keeps at it always. Full of talent and a lot of personality on stage she has made her mark, both on the runway and on stage as a beauty queen, and as a talented vocalist.




Chaturika made headlines when she gave a tight competition to our Bollywood beauty Jackie. Today this society bird, gives us the inside to her colourful life full of fashion and glitter!

Have a good one!


1.      My passion is singing and writing songs. For as long as I remember I sang in front of the mirror, in the shower, in the car and to anyone who listened to me (or not!J)

2.      I was Miss Teen Sri Lanka in 2005 and tried out for Miss Sri Lanka for Miss Universe in 2006 because it was challenging and people kept pushing me to! Ended up becoming the 1st runners up. Loved the experience!!!

3.      I love CIC – Coffee, Ice cream and Chocolate. You can never go wrong with those.

4.      I won’t say I love fashion, I breathe it.



5.      I like to watch horror movies, get scared to death and then talk about it hours after! Movies like The Exorcist and Omen really scare the living daylights out of me!

6.      I loved living in London and in Sweden and miss it but I missed Sri Lanka more when I was living there. One place I always feel a sense of peace is the Ocean. If I could spend all my time there, I would, so I’m glad I’m back after all Sri Lanka is a paradise.

7.      I am the real life drama queen you see in movies. Speaking of movies, I watch way too much of movies and TV series including Sex and the City and Gossip Girl. I even have my very own Sex and the City group of girls and just like the movie we did a trip to Dubai!

8.      Growing up, I loved the Backstreet Boys and dreamn't of marrying Nick Carter. Haven’t given up on that yet until I was introduced to Guns n' Roses which ended up being my all time favorite band– I moved on to Slash and Bon Jovi.



9.      I was fortunate enough to be assigned the part of Cleopatra for an inter-international drama school competition at the Lionel Wendt Theater. I fell in love with acting and with the Roman history.

10.  I must thank my family, friends and fans for believing in me no matter what. I believe I am here today mainly because 1% of my dad’s talent has been passed down to me. He (Keerthi Fernando) is a legendary rocker who instilled the love for rock in me, also he and mom have constantly backed me in everything I do. “I Love you”.

11.  I love dancing and dressing up. When I was very young, I used to dress up my two younger brothers as girls and ask them to model for me. When they eventually read this (I will try my best to hide it from them), I know there will be payback they are my Pride and Joy.




12.  If there is one person I wish I can bring back from the past it will be my grandfather who I never got a chance to get to know. The stories of him as the late mayor in Mt Lavinia and Dehiwala and the “family talk” I hear about him makes me realize how much I’ve missed not knowing him.

13.  My best friends are all scattered around the world and I well and truly miss them. The only good part about them being away -  I have a reason to travel. Did I say that I love to Travel?

14.  I was never the studious type in school, in fact till today I wonder how I passed my O/L’s. A turning point for me was graduating from the University of Greenwich, London because I realized I could do anything I set my mind to.

15.  I love perfume. I have a “thing” with perfumes and can’t stop obsessing over what will be my next favorite one. If I had to pick the one, it will be Channel No:5 Mademoiselle.

16.  I love ketchup and can have it with almost any meal, I do love the junk food that lovingly goes with ketchup. Fortunately, with just a few hours every week at the gym, I can enjoy my love for the junk food.



17.  I read the bible every night before I sleep and I believe in the greatest three of all – faith, hope and love.

18.  Loved the good old days when I used to work as a radio presenter at TNL radio and a TV presenter at CSN. Equally fun was working at Debenhams (Oxford Street) and today I have my own company ‘Cattleya Leisure’ under which ‘Cattleya Villa’ will be soon opened in Hikkaduwa. I’m thriving to be an Entrepreneur.

19.  I’m a romantic and enjoy getting attention and giving attention. Candles, red wine and a Nicholas Sparks movie will always put me in a somber mood.

20.  I have a knack of being too honest and to the point. A quality that gets me into heaps of trouble!




21.  I love to cook and experiment with new dishes and i can certainly make a mean Spaghetti Carbonara.

22.  I strongly believe that when life brings you down, you can certainly stand up and prove you’re stronger than you think you are. Life is a beautiful journey if you have love inside to share.

23.  I enjoy philosophy and one of my favorite authors is Pauolo Cohelo.

24.  My music teacher never believed in me and my ability to sing. Winning TNL Onstage was the best thing that happened to me back then. I went back to school to ask her opinion on it and she said “you talk too much during practices so I had to say you can’t sing”. I can’t blame her because I do love talking.



25.  I was the 3rd runners up at the "FACE OF ASIA" beauty contest held in London in June, 2009. I must say it was flattering to even participate as the contestants were all gorgeous!




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