You’ve Got It Pussycat!

Jun 18 2014.

views 2021

‘You’ve Got It Pussycat’, a musical directed by Jith Peiris and presented by the English Union of Holy Family Convent Bambalapitiya, was held on the 13th of June through to the 15th at the Auditorium of the school. Directed musically by Rapti Fernando and choreographed by Wendy Perera, the show was an adaptation of Judith Prior’s ‘What’s New Pussycat’.

‘What’s New Pussycat’ is, in turn, based on the fairy-tale Puss in Boots. Interspersed throughout the play are an eclectic collection of songs – catering to the younger generation by including the likes of Beyoncé and Bruno Mars but featuring good old classics by Tom Jones and James Brown as well. This makes for entertainment fodder that pleases a range of age groups – a smart choice for a school play indeed. The script is funny too, peppered with one-liners as well as running gags that had the audience laughing uncontrollably. One of my favourite lines was when Tom, the eldest brother, pleases his youngest brother Simon with his part of their late father’s estate – a mere ten dollars. “He won’t get very far with ten dollars.” Harry, our protagonist and middle brother says. “He wouldn’t get very far with 500 dollars!” Tom quips, and immediately we understand the personalities of the brothers, Tom being mean and stingy, Simon being none too smart and Harry being our typical good guy.

The most important character of the lot, however, is the ingenious Puss, a conniving cat with a penchant for feathered hats and expensive boots. Puss was played expertly, a Sybil Fawlty-esque persona that was consistently stylised and pitch perfect. Her ‘Material Girl’ was delivered with a flair that continued through all of her pieces, and since it is arguable that the entire production hinged on her ability to make us, the audience, believe in the character of a talking cat, then she carried it off with that same flair.

The three women pretending to be old fell a little flat for me, but their ‘Single Ladies’ was nonetheless fun. The Wicked Witch Margaret’s song ‘One Way or Another’, a tribute to both One Direction and Blondie, was my favourite song of the night. ‘Simon Says’ was a delightful number, made even more enjoyable by the earnest look on Simon’s face as she sang! The two maids who attended the Princess were very good as well, their ‘Shop Around’ was classy and cute. The clear hit of the night however was ‘I Feel Good’ as Harry really let loose and went down on his knees to express his joy at meeting the love of his life – even pretending she’s the broom he enthusiastically danced with.

Overall, the quality of the production was clearly above average, the standout actresses being the two who played Puss and Harry. Harry in particular had a sense of naturalness which isn’t seen too often. I particularly enjoyed the acting of the King and the little nurse too.
‘You’ve Got It Pussycat’ was thus a satisfying, amusing romp of a play and we look forward to future ventures by the thespians of Holy Family Convent.

Comments from the audience

As a past pupil I can tell you that we’re not used to going out in public but this was a great effort and I’m grateful to been a part of the audience. The girls did a wonderful job. - Shiranthi

It was excellent and magical! I loved it and the songs were good. - Kushlani, Yalindee and Yenushka

I absolutely loved it. The girl who played Puss was fantabulous! It’s all about stage presence. - Carlene

By Marissa van Eyck
Pics by Kithsiri de Mel


  1. Jack Dee says:

    Awesome performance!! The pussycat was absolutely outstanding, as were a couple of other roles. Well done HFC for providing us an enchanting evenings entertainment all around! A

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