Washing Hair Perfectly

Nov 11 2015.

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Steps to washing your hair perfectly 
Showering. You may do it every day or every other day. And if anything, you do it mindlessly because you’re either busy belting out powerhouses or solving all the world’s problems in your head. Meanwhile, your hair’s probably being damaged and not given the treatment it deserves. A healthy head of hair makes a huge difference in your appearance (because let’s face it, deep inside, we’re all shallow, superficial beings), so taking good care of your hair should be a priority. Washing it the right way is a good place to start, so here are some tips to get you started. 
1. Rinse well. 
Before you add shampoo, your hair needs to be thoroughly wet. As in, no dry bits here and there. Hot water, meanwhile, is said to open the cuticle, which is supposed to be pretty good for removing any dirt or product trapped in your hair. This also helps absorb conditioner well. 
2. Lather up at the scalp. 
The scalp is the most important bit that needs to be shampooed, since the hair at the scalp is the youngest and oiliest, as opposed to the ends of the hair that are comparatively drier. 
3. Be gentle. 
Most of us tend to aggressively scrub our scalp, but this can lead to breakage and frizz. The key is to be gentle, start at the roots using medium pressure vertical strokes to increase blood flow to the scalp and stimulate hair growth. Don’t scrub the hair ends or use the back and forth motion, instead, smooth the lather over the ends in a straight stroking motion. 
4. Don’t rinse and repeat. 
There’s no need to wash your hair twice. That is, unless your hair is really dirty and it absolutely doesn’t lather up the first time. 
5. Condition. 
Having completely washed the shampoo out of your hair and squeezed the excess water out, you can put in the conditioner. Do not condition your scalp, but concentrate on your mid ends to the tips. Leave the conditioner on for as long as you can – the longer it stays on your hair, the better it absorbs. 
6. Finish with a cold water rinse. 
Finish off with cold water which will shut the cuticle tight. 
By Rihaab Mowlana


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