SL competes for MicroFinance Film

Jul 26 2013.

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Sri Lanka is now competing alongside four other countries in the MicroFlicks Global Film Challenge organized by VisionFund and World Vision to showcase microfinance and raise awareness of World Vision’s microfinance programmes operated by VisionFund International. 
The curtain is up and the films of the five finalists have been unveiled and are available to view at The contest, launched in November 2012, shortlisted five talented filmmakers from over 120 submissions, and sent them on a trip to visit World Vision and VisionFund projects in five different countries; Ecuador, Malawi, Mexico, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
The film shot in Sri Lanka titled ‘The Cashew Queen of Puttlam Village’, follows the story of Gheetha; a determined little lady who started a cashew business that now provides employment to over 20 other women.
“Somewhere behind her meek demeanour and calm smile is a powerful force of nature that has designed an elegant business structure and willed it to success,” says Reggie Schickel, the filmmaker from Illinois, USA who did the filming in Sri Lanka. “Geetha is about 4’8”. I’m 6’3”, but I look up to Geetha. Geetha is a giant.”
The film gives a glimpse of how micro finance, a fast growing industry in Sri Lanka and other developing countries today, gives poor communities the opportunity to work their way out of poverty, paving the way for improved living conditions for women and children.
All films are open to a public online vote which will contribute 40% weighting to the overall scores awarded to each film by its expert judging panel. The winning film will be celebrated as the ‘Microfinance Film of 2013’.  
The public may cast their votes at until the end of August.  More information on the competition can be viewed at:
§ The MicroFlick’s Facebook page 
§ By following us @visionfund on Twitter using the hashtag MicroFlicks
To learn more about MicroFlicks and the five finalists visit:


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