Movie Review: Searching For Sugar Man

Feb 28 2013.

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Malik Bendjelloul's Oscar-winning documentary is the heart-warming story of the search for Sixto Rodriguez: an iconic figure, a fine musician and a legend amongst South Africans. Never heard of Rodriguez? That's alright, neither had I. Nor anyone else outside South Africa for that matter. Shades, skinny jeans, long hair and a husky voice, Detroit folk singer Sixto Rodriguez made music that failed miserably in the USA but gained a cult following in Cape Town.
When stories of Rodriguez's suicide - that he burned himself on stage, that he shot himself whilst performing - reached South Africa, two fans, Stephen "Sugar" Segerman and Craig Bartholomew Strydom, vowed to dig deeper. Convinced that this mysterious figure was still alive, they created a website in an effort to find him. Years later, Sugar and Strydom 

tracked him Detroit, where he was working as a construction labourer.
Rodriguez had descended into deeper oblivion, giving up his music and instead choosing to campaign for worker's rights and run for Mayor. What follows is a moving tale of how a virtually unknown artist's dreams became realized overnight and received the acclaim he deserved.
In the first half of the picture, Bendjelloul successfully builds up Rodriguez's persona, presenting to us stories of his suicide in the most nonchalant manner possible. Never is there a hint of an idea that we will actually meet him. Yet, when we are presented with the icon, we are dumbstruck. Bendjelloul, in keeping with the singer's simple lifestyle introduces us to Rodriguez by means of a scene where he opens a side window and stares straight into the camera. Magic.
Rodriguez reveals himself to be something of an introvert: a quiet, humble man leading the frugal life. The money he eventually earned from gigs was given away to relatives and close friends, a potent indication of his generosity. It is touching to see an impressive soloist without the airs and graces that normally befall most in the music industry.
Bendjelloul's magnificent picture will force sceptics to sit up and listen to Rodriguez's music, something of a catchy cross between Peter Sarstedt and Bob Dylan. As the picture progressed, I found myself falling in love with it. Perhaps this documentary will finally give the silent star the worldly recognition he deserves?
Stars - ★★★★
By Rehan Mudannayake
Searching for Sugar Man (2012)
Documentary | Biography | Music 
Two South Africans set out to discover what happened to their unlikely musical hero, the mysterious 1970s rock 'n' roller, Rodriguez.
Director: Malik Bendjelloul
Writers: Malik Bendjelloul, Craig Bartholomew Strydom 
Stars: Rodriguez, Stephen 'Sugar' Segerman, Dennis Coffey



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