Jun 08 2015.
views 918Our Own Show – The “Benedictine” Night of Music
Music is indeed timeless, as the Benedictines of St Benedict's college showed Colombo, in their highly talented musical evening held at the BMICH on the 6th of June. As the school celebrated it's 150th year, a musicale highlighting an old tradition was the inspiration behind the highly anticipated show.
In the 1960's students were encouraged to request their favourite tunes which was played out from the school's clock tower during their lunch-breaks. Since this was met with much enthusiasm, the senior student body, along with help of Brother Edward, took it one step further and encouraged a live show to be broadcasted featuring performances from the school boys themselves. This opened the gates to the multitude of talent from the student body breaking into the limelight and which, us lucky concert goers were a witness to, on that celebratory night of music.
The concert opened to a packed hall with the eager audience being treated to a spectacular rendition of the glorious piece “Dixit Dominus” being sung by the Benedictine Jubilee choir and the St. Benedict's choir. The haunting melodies of such pieces like “O Fortuna” and “Roll Jordan Roll”, sung by the “old” and “young” students of both the Benedictian choirs was indeed a mesmerizing experience encapsulating the unbridled musical talent simmering at St. Benedict's.
The rest of the show continued in musical brilliance with the concert goer being treated to music from throughout the ages, from the swinging sixties to the rock performances of the modern times. The acts also covered a variety of musical styles including Jazz, Folk, Country and Blues. Some of the legendary acts who performed were the Dharmaratne Borthers, Junior Rhythmiers, Nalake Fernando, Raj Senewiratne and Denzil Perera who was part of the well known singing duo Denzil and Bosco. Accompanying the legendary elders were also the newly accomplished Benedictines, such as Damien Fernando, Viroshen Tissera and the incredible Voice Print to name a few.
The brilliant vocal talent on display was backed up instrumentally by equally strong performances on the guitar, piano, drums and even the double bass. All the musicians who performed that night, a massive 150 of them, were all old and new Benedictines.
A tradition, which started, with such love and talent has only strengthened and grown in size and magnitude, this was all evident on that musicale night. The same passion for music that was created in that quadrangle on school grounds in the early sixties has been carried forth withstanding the test of time, it streamed through the lyrical notes sung and the impressive chords played onto the BMICH stage that night... promising that THE show will live on forever.
Comments from the audience
“The show is fabulous, I am enjoying it!”
Shivanthi and Benhur
“It's a really good show!”
“Every act is good”.
Karishma and Tanju
“With my father and brothers being Benedictines, we are here to support the show”.
“There is indeed a lot of variety”.
Nicole and Roshan
“The show is extremely interesting, with some of the acts being excellent”.
“The show is very entertaining, it is very well done, fantastic!”
“It's a family affair, and I am thoroughly enjoying it”.
Rehan, Awanthi and Ravin
“It's a good show, we are having fun”.
“Great acts, it's a good show”.
Reviewed by Mayuri Jayasinghe
Photographs by Waruna Wanniarachchi