Niluka & Martin Klement

Dec 08 2015.

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Anusha David spotlights the hottest styles and statements in and around Sri Lanka – from political leaders to celebrity CEOs, masters of the game to fashion icons and stars of the silver screen and stage. Here are society’s leaders talking about the determination, vision, smarts, competence and professionalism. Today, she speaks to Niluka and Martin Klement
Martin Klement born in Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria, has a degree and 15 years’ experience as a Civil Engineer and has coordinated and managed worldwide, large scale construction projects in Canada, USA , Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Kuala Lumpur and lastly in Sri Lanka. 
Niluka Klement, previously Mendis, was in born in Sri Lanka and studied at Bishop’s College Colombo. Niluka started her career in the advertising field and then moved on to the hospitality trade when Niluka and her family took over the Bavarian German Restaurant which has been a great success for almost 10 years now. Since the passion for food and pleasing people is so much a part of what Niluka loves, she also helps her brother with their new venture “Off the Hook Seafood Restaurant” which opened one year ago. In between all this, Martin and Niluka met each other, where else but at the Bavarian German Restaurant and fell in love. Martin and Niluka were married shortly in the beautiful and breathtaking Austria surrounded by all their Austrian and Sri Lankan families. Martin soon realized fast that there was a huge lack and need for high quality interior solutions and interior products that were up to  international standards, hence the birth of  Haecker Kitchen;germanMade in August 2013. 
This was the start and foundation for Fine Furniture which opened recently. Fine Furniture provides full interior solutions, concept and space planning with the latest technologies in software for 3D purpose and works only with the most recognized global brands which are guaranteed to be environmental friendly in their manufacturing process. 
M - Martin
N - Niluka 
What brought you to Sri Lanka? 
M : Initially I came here due to my occupation as a civil engineer. I was appointed as the Project Manager for a government project during 2009 and 2012. 
Was it just The Bavarian you were involved in at the time you met Martin or were you woking elsewhere? 
N : No I was fully focused on The Bavarian. 
Describe the highlights of your Austrian wedding. 
N : We had family from all over the world come over to Austria. The wedding took place in a little village high up on the mountains which had different cultures and languages and everyone just had such a great time getting to know each other, even though language in most cases was a barrier, but this did not stop us from having the best day of our lives. The wedding started at 11am and ended the next morning at around 4am. 
What made you switch fields and divert to interiors, Hacker Kitchens and now Fine Furniture? 
M : I think Civil Engineering is somehow linked with interiors as well. In engineering we build the buildings and rooms so we are already very close with visualizing in three dimensions what it will look like when it is completed, but I always had a passion for interior décor and liked to décorate my home. Over time I think I developed my own style which is more clean, modern and a futuristic style. Haecker Kitchen was a decision based on the dearth of products (kitchen) in Sri Lanka. Furniture was always the long term plan and vision, hence Fine Furniture if things worked out and they did! 
Do you enjoy working together? 
M : Yes I do. I think it’s very important in a marriage to build things together no matter what it is and it will strengthen your relationship even though sometimes you may disagree on certain things. 
N : Yes it’s very enjoyable working together. I mean we do have our differences of opinion, but that is exactly what is needed. We always listen to each other’s opinions and then make our final decision. 
How do you juggle home, kids and office? 
N : I love the challenge of having lots to do and ultimately achieving it all. I love being at work but my priority is always my kids. The day starts around 5.45am; from then on I plan my day with work in the morning and the afternoon at home with the kids. 
How do you find working in Sri Lanka? The holidays, labour laws, red tape? 
M : Actually I like working here; people are easy to get on with and are very understanding and enjoy their life, which is what is missing in Europe where everything comes down to how much money you make and to become better than others. This was too stressful for me, that’s why I started my career with gaining my experience overseas for more than 15 years around the world. Holidays are always good and are a requirement for quality family time. As for the laws, you have them everywhere; just follow them and you will be fine. 
Which part of the business do you most enjoy and what is your particular area? 
N : I love every part of the business. It’s so fulfilling to see all the lovely stuff we sell and see the customers so happy with all we can offer. I’m really in the back office coordinating all the finances, administration and most often I’m Martin's PA. 
Does Fine Furniture specialize in any particular types of furniture or any specific areas of a home or office or do you have all types of furniture? 
N : Fine Furniture is the one stop for all your home needs. We offer world renowned international brands ranging from kitchens, bedrooms, living, dining, electrical appliances, mattresses and even cookware to kitchen utensils. 
Do you provide interior décor services as well? 
M : We provide full interior solutions including décor services as well. In fact we have one great wall décor from Germany which manufactures frameless pictures and other wall décor using the latest print technology on glass and other surfaces. These products are  available with us and also on display in our showroom for purchase. 
What is the best part of working together as a husband and wife team? 
M : I think it’s the time you can spend together, sometimes other couples have different workplaces and have hardly any time to spend together and I also enjoy the valuable discussions we have on how we should develop the business further. 
N : We have the same vision. We want the best for the business and to see it expand and grow. 
What is the hardest part about doing business in Sri Lanka? 
M : I think the hard part is that people are still not too familiar with our product and it’s high quality, which leads subsequently to a higher price tag than what the consumer is used to. That’s why it makes it sometimes difficult to convince the client and make him understand that in the long run you will save money for yourself by going in for more durable and high quality products, as opposed to  low quality products which you may need to replace every 2 years or even earlier. 
Who are your role models? 
N : I have to say to a great extent my parents. They have taught me so much in all these years in every aspect of life and work and made me the person I am today. 
What is the most important lesson you wish to instill in your children? 
N : To always be kind to people who need you and need your help. Never give up even if the road looks tough, always speak the truth even if it seems difficult to face, love your family, they will always be your strength. 
What is the single most lovable trait you see in each other? 
M : Trust. 
N : Honesty. 
Name three people you admire and why. 
M : There is only one: Niluka (my wife) who is the most loving and caring person I have ever met and no matter what and how difficult it is, she will be there and support me at all times. 
Name your favourite restaurant. 
M : In Sri Lanka it's The Bavarian German Restaurant at Galle Face and London Grill at Cinnamon Grand. 
N : I have to say The Bavarian. 
Interviewed by Anusha David


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