Jazzin’ – Rhythm of the Soul

Aug 13 2013.

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Dancing from the Heart: Jazzin’ – Rhythm of the Soul 
It was one of those shows that left you feeling light-hearted. Sureka Buell has earned for herself a reputation of turning out standard shows, and over this weekend, she notched up another in the form of “Jazzin – Rhythm of the Soul.” The show took place on the 10th and 11th at 7 p.m. at the Lionel Wendt. 
Sureka picked the theme ‘Rhythm of the Soul’ and chose the cast accordingly. Around 50 of the most talented and committed students to whom dancing comes from the depth of their hearts and souls from her school of contemporary, modern and jazz, Danceworld, took to the stage. Naturally, the students’ competency levels were high, and in terms of technique the level of innovation was tremendous too. The song selection and choreography were a result of the students’ as well artistic director, Sureka’s inputs and the outcome was a real treat to sight.
The show was a tribute to Assistant choreographer and long standing pupil of the school, Deshana De Alwis, who is leaving to the States after the show to pursue her higher studies. Deshana pulled off some remarkable numbers and ordered undisputed adulation from the audience throughout the show.
The glitzy and glam costumes came as a great facility to those showstopper items and they were loved as much as the moves. The costumes were designed by Mitabi Gunawardena and lighting done by Priyanga Holsinger, two crucial facets without which Sureka’s show wouldn’t have been the same.    
Throughout the eight year history of the school, Sureka has always made it a point to contribute proceeds from her shows to community service projects. This year the proceeds of the show will be donated to the Lions Club of Havelock Town towards community service projects for deprived children.
Several showstopper numbers took to the stage during the show, some of which were easily out of my conceivable bounds of being possible material to direct choreography for!! To name a fewRefletion from Mulan, Black and Gold, Believe from Honey, a flamingo-inspired dance fro Buble’s ‘Save the Last Dance,’ Rio and so on.
Apart from the usual show review banter about it being great, this is one show that truly won my heart due to its exceptional nature. Anyone who has been able to witness Sureka and her students in action wouldn’t think twice before agreeing with me. With the cast being the best of her school, the levels of competency and skill were naturally sky-high.
Rare in nature, this show was produced to impeccable standards, although in reality, there is no other to such school to be compared to. I was impressed by such uncompromising dedication to giving the best.  
By Nivedha Jeyaseelan
Pix by Waruna Wanniarachchi


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