Jacqueline's next restaurant...

Nov 07 2014.

views 4111


Jacqueline Fernandez's next cafe to have organic food and yoga sessions

The beauteous Jacqueline Fernandez, who opened a restaurant in Colombo that serves local the Sri Lankan fare, is giving her entrepreneurial ambitions a desi twist.

The diarist has learned that the actress has been busy scouting for properties around the Bandra Juhu belt as plans are afoot to open an organic cafe.

"The priority is to find the right place," the actor, who is shooting in Canada for an English film, told us.

"The place will not only be a venue for absolutely organic food, but I also intend to expand it for yoga sessions."



  1. Katie says:

    Her outlets are beyond the middle earner's budget. She should not only cater to the upper class or the high and mighty. Her hopper joint at the Independence Arcade is far too high for a common person. She caters only to the rich and affluent. but what she fails to see its always the young and middle earners that patronize most of these places. She should rethink her prices and be more practical.

  2. raspi says:

    Comon Katie. I have gone there few times and I have always noticed that there is a queue at her place. I don't see anything wrong with her strategy. If you cannot afford it best thing is to go to another place. You cannot always only think about the middle and low class right? everyone has a chance to enjoy. And another thing I noticed was that all the cooks in her restaurant seems to be people from villages which is why the food has that authenticity. So if you really want to eat that same fo

  3. PC says:

    Will organic worms be on the menu?

  4. Kingsley Wijesinhe says:

    I can't afford to eat at places like Jacqueline's restaurants,so I go to places I can afford. I think I get the same quality of food at much lower prices though perhaps not the same atmosphere of luxury, which I don't mind. Let people who can afford high prices go to those top end places. It doesn't bother me at all.

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