Insensitive use of social media

Sep 17 2015.

views 633

The insensitive use of social media 
Facebook and other social media sites have become direct sources of sharing information and many people are scrolling through newsfeeds 24/7. This sharing of information has sometimes gone to extremes with uploading and sharing insensitive photos and videos of crimes that might sometimes be quite disturbing. The latest of its kind took place in the village of Akarangaha and with the unfortunate abduction, abuse and murder of little Seya Sadevmi the entire country is in shock and grief. Can photos and videos be shared in that manner? Shouldn’t there be restrictions? The Daily Mirror Life spoke to a few people on this topic. 
It’s not right to post pictures of victims on social media, their dead bodies or whatever may be, and by doing so we are only harassing them more.. what about their dignity and respect? Don’t they and their families deserve some peace at least after it has all happened? They have already gone through the pain and agony, so why should they be harassed even more? 
I believe it is a good thing since it shows the unfiltered emotions of people and shows how truly horrible it is. And people would think twice before committing such crimes in the future. 
I think it’s unnecessary and they shouldn’t be posting photos of that nature in the name of creating awareness.


  1. Observer says:

    It all boils down to "education". People are not aware of what is "right" and what is "wrong", what is "appropriate and what is not". People are not thinking twice when they get on the social media, just because it is free for all!.

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