Feb 13 2013.
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It’s that time of the year to celebrate love. I asked all those featured today what they would do this Valentine’s Day if they were cupid, and they have come up with some interesting things..
Read on and enjoy. !
Love to all!
I’d shoot all the flower shop owners so that they would fall hopelessly in love with all the customers who come in and give away all the flowers for free!!
Natasha Rathnayake
I would find myself a proper day time job at the rate couples are breaking.. instead I might go work in a flower, chocolate or jewellery shop. Cos apparently, these days, that's what it takes to make people fall in love it seems! haha!
Ornella Gunesekere
''Well, this is from My Valentine - the one Cupid so generously blessed my life and paired me up with. Hehe. I would put all the Leaders of the world into one room and take out my biggest bow and use my favorite arrow - Unconditional Love and go crazy, shooting an arrow at them all!
''When the power of Love overcomes the love of power, the world will know Peace' ''
Gehan Cooray
I might shoot POISON darts instead of the 'customary' ones. That could be exciting. LOL.
Mignonne Fernando
Aim and give 'em some good loving !
Jehan Aloysius
I would shoot at the hearts of those with prejudice, and fill this country with more love, acceptance and brotherhood. It's time to love and respect all humanity ignoring caste, race, religion, sexuality and social status.
Anjali Karunaratne
If I was cupid Id attach a note to my arrow that will tell people how to win love but also make it last forever!
Soundarie David
I would sprinkle huge portions of love on all those whose lives are full of hatred and jealousy"
DeLon Jayasingha
I would erase all the doubt, fear and lust (lust for another partner that is) from the minds of everyone in a relationship. Love is most adventurous and important part of life. Live it, love it, and have it with grace and integrity. Love to all
Krys Sosa
I’d have special arrows to strike any man who physically hurts a woman or animal so that they will be rendered dysfunctional in the activity they enjoy most. if its a woman abuser, she will put on 10 kgs. lastly just on valentines day i'd make traffic policemen fall in love with any one they stop for minor offenses. happy vul day everyone!
Lou Ching Wong
Will fly around kissing everybody.
Jehan Ratnatunga
I'd make non-Sri Lankan's fall in love with Sri Lanka .. this will be a simple matter of attaching hoppers to my arrows"
Blessie Keegel
"I would make everyone see on the outside what they really look like on the inside. So if you look good on the outside and and not so good on the inside, the world would see that you're really quite ugly. If you were not-so-hot on the outside but beautiful on the inside, then the world would see your true beauty. Nothing sparks a change like a good reality check."
Elle Fernando
"I'd aim my magical arrow at a nice man I could live happily ever after with...!"
Natalie Jayasuriya
Cupid is a god of Love, Desire and Affection...If i was Cupid... I would take take that arrow, and aim it at all the hearts who are in need of a little love!
Dominic Kellar
i would hit people over the head with a hammer instead of shooting tiny arrows, cause some people don't see it when love is staring them right in the face ! This Valentine’s day if you like someone go for it !
Stephanie Siriwardhana
If I were Cupid I’d make sure to shoot absolutely everybody!! That way love would be everywhere and everyone would find true love, which is the most powerful and beautiful thing anyone can have! I guess you could say I'm a bit of a romantic so have a love filled Valentine's day everyone!