Jun 25 2015.
views 804Read at your own risk- MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT!
So last week my Facebook homepage went ballistic with such status updates.
Feeling sad : Valar Moghulis? WHAT?! BUT WHY?? WHAT JUST HAPPENED THERE? I AM NEVER EVER WATCHING THIS EVER AGAIN. WAIT, HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WAS EVEN REAL. #whitewalkerarmy #Gotfinale #whatdoidowithmylifenow.
If you are a dedicated, committed, number one Game of Thrones fan, who like me woke up at 6am, Sri Lankan time to watch the finale, you would have had a similar reaction to that ending of season 5. If you're one of those who weirdly enjoy spoilers (like I do!) and is still surprised at how things turn out, Facebook and Twitter would have been the least of your worries. Whereas there were also some of us who were really ticked off by the overwhelming spoilers and memes on social media shortly after the episode aired.
There are three types of people; those who watch GoT, those who don't and put up statuses such as "Am I the only one here who doesn't watch GoT?" and those who discreetly watch without making public service announcements about it and share less on social media.
However the reactions to the spoilers of the finale and the conspiracy theories that followed were indefinitely priceless. Honestly though why isn't anyone talking about Cersei's walk of shame? I mean is it my feminist instincts clouding my judgment of it being rather over the top even for her! However that performance definitely deserves an Emmy and I suppose many were disappointed to know that it was played by a body double!
Here are a few reactions of fellow local fans of GoT!
As expected, I shall express a couple of thoughts and present them in the most "acceptable" way possible. Most of the "considerate" Game of Thrones fans (on my Facebook account) were impeccably thoughtful enough to enlighten me with their reactions over the final episode of season five. On top of that, Facebook also had a say in enhancing the "effect" of their reactions because it allowed those "thoughtful" souls, not only to express it in words but also to enrich it with a picture. A PICTURE! I mean, THANK YOU for your generosity!
Oh boy! Spoilers are dark and full of terrors. I actually wake up at 6.30am, switch on HBO and watch it same time as the US premier just to avoid the spoilers! Well I was expecting Jon Snow to get stabbed, but I think the Red Priestess will revive him, like Thoros of Myr revived Beric Dondarrion in Season 3. It was good to see Stannis go out with a fight, despite his days going from bad to worse. I also doubt he will be named father of the year! It would also be interesting to see Arya handle her training with what happened to her in the finale.
Disclaimer - Have not watched a single episode of GoT this season!
I didn't watch a single episode of GOT due to the fact I wanted to wait until all the episodes are out. I managed to avoid most spoilers although statuses like "that episode was epic" etc. fall under the "acceptable" kind of spoiling. It all went well till some idiots went around posting a "death notice" which got shared by a lot of people which rendered my months of patience useless. Now that my life has lost all hope and meaning I can only be consoled by a massive plot twist; preferably Ned Stark coming back as a White Walker. If it happens I am so sorry for spoiling it for you! (not).
Well the reason I find GoT addictive is because they have no problem with executing people who are of paramount importance in the series. But they took it little too further by killing Jon Snow, who seemed like the ideal hero. However I have a feeling that he wasn't really killed, because the thing with GoT is that you cannot be sure they are killed unless you actually see them beheaded or burnt. I myself, I didn't see Jon Snow's death coming; at least I didn't expect the kid to stab him. The frequent presence of White Walkers and the undead in the last few episodes were quite thrilling.
People should seriously respect other people and not put up spoilers on social media. It's just not cool. At least give it a few days so that people in different timezones can watch it. Other than that, that episode killed my spirit.
Briefly, not covering everything however, I have observed; boys seem just as upset that Jon Snow has died as well as the girls, so he's not only loved for his looks and already he has been seen filming in Ireland, so maybe the snow hasn't melted just yet! Girls are just as upset that Cersei's body was a double, all enjoyed that unexpectedly lengthy scene of nudity whilst also feeling sympathy for her for the first time! Melisandre is showing the side we all secretly expected despite her clever guises in advice and manipulation. Has Sansa broken her legs? Will the dragon queen remain as powerful as she once was and why did the dragon take her there? Will her desire for power ruin her like her father? So many questions! Also, Tyrion remains the coolest kid in the seven kingdoms. Oh and where is Bran? Winter is COMING!
I suppose we all have questions with regard to that one! And is Gendry still rowing? Must be one heck of a ride, that is!
The finale was mind-blowing, even more than the red wedding. It was all going rather well; meaning the deaths were all satisfactory in a non-sadistic way; until they killed off Jon at the end. Here's hoping he comes back as a White Walker.
If he does, he'd have to be renamed Snow White.
During GoT telecasting weeks, every Monday, I wake up only with the intention of watching the latest episode, so, no spoilers! This was the worst/best finale ever. Worst because it was just too much to handle; from Arya to Sansa to Cersei to Daenerys to Jon; one moment you are overjoyed and then shocked and then you find that you are just a crybaby biting the pillow. Best because I’ve never wanted to see the following season as badly as this time and HBO curse you for making us wait for another 10 months. I sort of know what goes on in the books but the producers keep adjusting the storyline so you never know what will happen. I refuse to believe that Snow would die and I think and hope that Melisandre would resurrect him. May the old Gods and the new Gods forever be in his (and my) favour.
Well obviously as a book reader I knew that this would be the probable ending. Most of the scenes were hardly surprising except for the one where Stannis gets "probably" decapitated. Because in the book by the end of the last one available as yet that is, Stannis has not engaged yet with the Boltons! To be truthful it was disappointing. I read an online article immediately after watching it and it said that Kit Harington is unlikely to return. Apparently his contract ended. On a last note, one too many liberties were taken with the show this season. For example Ser Baristan Selmy, seems to serve no purpose and his death was so abrupt. Not a good season overall.
Reaction to the final, well to be honest I was expecting something more drastic to happen. Think about it the whole of the last season was so ironic from Cersei empowering the sparrow there by pulling herself down to Stannis killing his own daughter and losing to Ramsay (like no one saw that coming when he sent Davon away) to the watch stabbing Snow for trying to help them. Sheesh! Spoilerwise it's almost like a cult following here in Aussie that there are theories flying off the walls from; Snow not being dead to him not really being Eddard's bastard son but his sister's son and so on! The spoilers make it more intriguing for us than the last season, for they are responsible of building suspense.
I guess it's going to be quite a painful wait until next season. To fill in the void, theorizing and making memes while putting up posts such as these is undoubtedly the best option. You cannot know nothing, when winter is coming!
By Eshani Seneviratne