AJ Low

Jan 12 2016.

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FGLF 2016 Author Interviews : AJ Low 

AJ Low is the husband-and-wife team of Adan Jimenez and Felicia Low-Jimenez. Born in California to Mexican immigrant parents, Adan became an immigrant himself when he moved to Singapore. Felicia was born and raised in Singapore where she spent most of her childhood with her head in the clouds and her nose buried in a book. Together, they write the Sherlock Sam children's series, and lots of short stories featuring robots, ninjas, cowboys, superheroes, and sofas. Separately, they write reviews, microfiction, short stories, and various other things, plus occasionally edit as well. 
How did the ‘Sherlock Sam’ series come about? 
Our Singapore publisher Epigram Books had held an open call for people to pitch ideas for a series of mystery stories featuring a chubby boy detective. We pitched our ideas, and they must have liked us the best because we were chosen to write the series! 
Why a kids’ detective concept? 
We both read a lot of mystery fiction when we were kids (Adan loved the Nancy Drew series, while Felicia inhaled the Famous Five and Secret Seven stories, she also loved Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys). We both also love the Scooby-Doo cartoons, and all of this has been swirling around our brains for a very long time. 
What’s the most challenging thing about writing for children as an audience? 
Some people think writing for children is easier than writing for adults, but that is not the case at all. Writing for children is incredibly difficult. Children will not give you the benefit of the doubt like an adult will. They don't have the patience and they are incredibly honest. If they see something they don't like, that's it, they're done and will move on to something else. You also cannot talk down to children. They're much smarter than we think, and they will smell condescension a mile away. So children's books need to be smart and exciting enough for children to continue reading. 
What’s the most enjoyable thing? 
Definitely getting the opportunity to meet the kids! Also, reliving our childhoods in a manner of speaking when we write and do research. Plus, the chance to be silly when we write. It’s a lot of fun. 
Your fondest childhood memory? 
Adan : Going to watch the very first Batman movie with my dad in a cinema in Mexico (it was dubbed in Spanish, and I didn’t watch it in its original English until at least a decade later). 
Felicia : Having breakfast with my parents and grandparents at Chin Mee Chin in Katong on Sunday mornings. That’s one of the main reasons we decided to feature it in our first book! 
3 things no one knows about you? 
Adan : I’m a big nerd because of my parents; I used to watch original Star Trek reruns with my mom, and the 60s Batman show with my dad. My very first crush was on Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman. For a very long time, I thought there was only two Star Wars movies because one of the channels on TV only every played The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi, but never A New Hope. 
Felicia : I’ve read every single movie novelization of all the Star Wars and Star Trek movies multiple times. I’m afraid to leave the house without a book in case I get trapped on a train or caught in a traffic jam. I used to be an air rifle marksperson in school so I’ll be totally handy during a zombie apocalypse. 
3 words to describe yourself? 
Adan : Geek, gamer, writer. 
Felicia : Bookseller, writer, geek (Adan stole two of my answers first!) 
Expectations for GLF 2016? 
We can’t wait to meet the fantastic festival organizers who have been so friendly and helpful over email! Plus, we’re super excited to meet the kids who will be attending the festival as well as the school we’re visiting. We love learning more about the history and culture of a country through children’s eyes. 
Expectations for Sri Lanka? 
We hear that it’s a beautiful country and we wish we had more time off work to stay longer! 
Future plans? 
We’re working on the tenth book in the Sherlock Sam series right now and we’ve a couple more to write this year. We’re also looking forward to our first three books being published in the US in August this year! But in general, write even more, read lots, and stop procrastinating so much. 
Interviewed by Jennifer Rodrigo


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