Couples Must Avoid Doing These

Sep 30 2014.

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10 things couples should avoid doing in public.

There are certain things in everyone's trigger list that either makes them annoyed or leaves them feeling embarrassed especially with regard to another's actions or behaviour. When considering society as a whole, the concept of love and its actions have different responses from the public. While some may find a couple as cute and adorable another may feel otherwise.
However, there are particular deeds couples, Sri Lankans in particular must avoid in public for the sake of love and for the sake of sanity of others.

1.  Fighting in public (Seeking public opinion on who is right.)  Yes it happens, and no it's not okay. We are not interested in hearing out who's right or who's wrong; the public is not your courtroom; nor are we your judges. Directing questions for assurance purposes should be eliminated completely, strictly keeping private matters as private. Having a fight? Sort it out yourselves, and NOT in public most preferably at home. Keep your voices down, unless you want your neighbours opinion.

2. Public Display of Over Affection. In a country where even holding hands offend another, avoid making out or any form of physical actions that may set off those around. It may make people uncomfortable and result in them complaining to authorities on irrational and inappropriate behaviour. The cultural sensitivity and conventional nature prevailing does not acknowledge or encourage such forms of behaviour as it is more inclined to the westernized way of life. Nevertheless, if absolutely necessary an occasional hug won't cause much trouble.

3. Using inappropriate language or the use filth or slang. This is verbal abuse. Even to those around. It is not a pleasant experience and it does not make one any more special or popular just because they use it half a dozen times as if it were their middle name. Addressing one another with what may seem as SWAG or YOLO really needs to stop.

4. Avoid too much information. Imagine travelling in a bus where there's pin drop silence, and learning way too much about the couple sitting next to you along the way; things that are extremely personal and best kept a secret. Refrain from talking about intimate matters unless the purpose is to spark the imagination of the person next to you. Once the cat is out of the bag, there's no stopping it from keeping it in someone else's ear. At the end of the day, someone's personal intimate life may turn into a sitcom with an audience.

5. Littering.  Galleface is great, but would have been greater if couples knew how to dispose their garbage. Not limited to galleface, but many other public places inhabited and labeled as the couples-zone are comparatively polluted more than other public places. Although there are many restrictions, cultural norms and values questioned with regard to couples conduct, polluting an area is not unacceptable and is a punishable act.

6.  Cozying up in the backseat. Happens all the time in Hollywood, but reality wise this might get you into a lot of trouble. Recently many such cases were reported to the police as indecent behaviour affecting the public order. Those passing by the respective vehicles complained to the police on seeing couples in compromising positions as a result causing public humiliation. Similarly, it is also noticed how many Lankans enjoy peeping into vehicles due to their deep observant nature which has in turn made one's own personal property, a public spectacle at times.

7.  Being overly dramatic. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players" might have been the case during the era of Shakespeare, nonetheless has entirely changed as of today. The drama-rama couples have been criticized constantly by the public as show offs, drama kings and queens. The respect they receive is minimal and the reaction is usually rolling of eyes. It may seem as a fine form of entertainment to watch such couples, once or may be twice, but after awhile it may seem absurd and turn out to be incredibly annoying.

8. Hanging around in school uniform. Many young couples are accused of tarnishing the image of their respective schools by roaming around in uniform with their significant other. As society discourages love affairs amongst schooling students it is believed that education should be given the highest priority over "puppy love".

9. Addressing each other using weird nick names. "Honey Bunny Booboo?", "Pookie bear banana?". Indeed it is annoying in public but alright in private. It may appear to most as a couple "trying too hard" or as unnatural behaviour. Definitely should be avoided in public as it may make others uncomfortable.

10. The constant inside jokes. Not everyone is a part of your relationship and neither would they be interested in constant references to inside jokes. This may make the other party outside the relationship feel left out and insignificant especially in public.


By Eshani Seneviratne


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