Aug 28 2014.
Closeup, the toothpaste you choose when you want to get up close and personal, has introduced a one of a kind consumer promotion, the first to give away an unbelievable shopping spree in partnership with Sri Lanka’s Largest Fashion Retailer – NOLIMIT. Closeup Fashionista will give 16 lucky young girls or boys the opportunity of a lifetime, to win clothes to the value of Rs 25,000 in the ultimate shopping run.
“The youth of today have fashion at the heart of everything they do” says Ms Wathsala Aluthgedera, Category Head – Oral Care at Unilever Sri Lanka, “So we have come up with a unique promotion that gives the winners an opportunity to shop for their dream wardrobe at NOLIMIT outlets to an incredible value of Rs 400,000. The offer is valid for the winner and his or her closest friend, making it a totally unique promotion clearly embedding the essence of Closeup.”
Ways of entering the competition is easy – all the consumer has to do is purchase a Closeup toothpaste and sms the secret code on the pack. Since this is the digital age, the consumers can also enter the competition through an app on the Closeup Sri Lanka Facebook page. The 16 winners will be selected randomly to participate in this exciting competition.
“Today’s Y generation believes in being fresh in every way – both in terms of their behaviour, outlook and their ideas,” says Ms Munazza Rafeek, Brand Manager Closeup at Unilever Sri Lanka. “ Closeup is helping them be connected to the concept of freshness not only because of the 12 hours of fresh breath confidence that Close Up gives after you brush, but also because of the fresh promotional idea that will help the young girls and boys to shop for the clothes they like in creating a complete, confident look for themselves.”
“Closeup Fashionista” will start in August and run until mid September during which the would-be fashionistas are encouraged to send in the secret code from their Closeup packs. Once chosen, they will be notified through sms, press and facebook adverts.
Closeup is popular among the youth for its freshness and closeness to an active lifestyle the young people enjoy. Today’s youth is technologically empowered and make their choices and brand affiliations based on their pecreptions and close relationships formed with those brands. Closeup understands and relates to them with a brand that redefines freshness and closeness in a toothpaste, says Ms Rafeek in conclusion. Log onto the Closeup Sri Lanka Facebook page for more details on Closeup Fashionista.