‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’

Apr 03 2015.

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‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ seen, adored, loved, and reviewed.

Last week, it was at about 3am in the morning, I was casually strolling the streets of where I live, breathing in the fresh air, listening to the calm of the night, and feeling as If I was one with the universe, without a care in the world. And all was well until I saw a shadowy figure which told me that it was time to go home (Leave me alone creatures of the night, I have the universe to experience. Yeah that last part didn’t happen). That is precisely a glimpse of what you’d feel with ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’.

Most of you already know where I stand when it comes to horror movies, It has to be really, really good to impress me, this doesn’t necessarily mean a terrifying movie, but it’s a genre where, even if mixed with that of others, proves to be beautiful but haunting and exhilarating to watch, has good writing and acting, then we’ve got a winner. Is ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ a winner? Let’s find out.

‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ begins in the fictitious town of Iran with Arash (Arash Marandi) a boy who earns his living through gardening, having bought a car after working for so long, and having it taken away by a pimp who his father is in debt to, he meets ‘The Girl’ (Sheila Vand), a hijab-clad vampire who spends her nights walking or skateboarding to find and make meals out of ill meaning people.

Calling it a "The first Iranian vampire Western" this is director Ana Lily Amirpour’s debut feature film. Both written and directed by her, the film is a marvel. It's original, it reminds you of Tarantino, it's youthful, it's gritty, it's dark, it's lively, it’s artistic and it’s a breath of fresh air. The film shines in every angle. The writing is paced wonderfully with all its elements in place playing out at a precise and beautiful rhythm.

The movie's design and score are to be taken notes of, from location to every object in the movie feels relative, all this shot in black and white, just brings everything out even further. The soundtrack, oh the lovely soundtrack, is an absolute blessing, and a very important aspect that keeps the movie sailing above and beyond.

Arash Marandi and Sheila Vand make a perfect pairing as a cast. The two complement each other beautifully. Sheila Vand’s character appears, scary, vulnerable, strong and youthful as she and Arash fall in an unlikely romance, but isn’t at all near the likes of what cheap cliché ridden vampire movies offer. It’s far beyond them.

‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’ is necessary, and I wouldn’t have known how much I needed this movie without seeing it. It’s a true beauty. Definitely looking forward to Ana Lily Amirpour’s next feature ‘The Bad Batch’ described as "a post-apocalyptic cannibal love story set in a Texas wasteland". And it has an impressive cast with Jason Momoa, Jim Carrey and Keanu Reeves.

Definitely do watch ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’, it wouldn’t be something you would regret, but rather cherish.

Reviewed by Aasif Faiz


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