Mar 27 2018.
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The walk will be followed by several tri-lingual events including a talent show, fun fair and forum for parents. Reach Beyond invites you to mingle and get to know individuals with autism and their families and help overcome the stigma.
Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD, is a complex childhood neuro-developmental disorder that is characterized by challenges in social skills, communication, repetitive behaviour and limited interests. Those affected by ASD show skills that range from gifted to very challenged, with the various skill sets developing at different paces. Though autism does not have a cure, early diagnosis and intervention can profoundly improve the quality of life.
Majority of the children who are diagnosed with autism face many difficulties in various aspects of their lives. They have difficulty regulating their emotions, communicating their needs, making friends and being accepted and included in schools and society. They are individuals just like us and require the same amount of love and affection just like any other child.Therefore, it is the responsibility and duty of parents, teachers, and society as a whole to build a space where they feel acknowledged and accepted.
Reach Beyond is a registered Not for Profit organization, founded by a team of 4 mothers of children with disability. They strongly believe that individuals with disabilities can reach their full potential if effective and timely accommodations and modifications are provided, not only in academics but in all aspects of life.
Mark this fun event in your calendar and bring your family and friends to support individuals with autism and disabilities.
Reach Beyond14/7 Tickell Road, Colombo 8For registration and information contact – 0112684441 or 0777 327120/1
Nelun - Co-founder
Autism affects children differently, but the anguish and the concerns of their parents are the same. It is important to have a support network in addition to a family. To me, the center was founded on the shared love of moms who have children in the spectrum and who wanted to be there for families going through the same things they did, for them to know that they are not alone.
Malathi - Co-founder
As a co-founder of Reach Beyond I say with pride that our dream has come true. Our first Awareness walk for autism which sends the message to Accept, Include and Empower children with autism in our society is a cornerstone of our mission.
Rishan - Parent
Come to the Autism Walk and join us in taking a step towards to achieving a future of acceptance for our kids to thrive to their fullest potential. Our country needs to open their minds and hearts to be able to see the beauty that lies within!
Vidhu - Parent
"Why fit in when you’re born to Standout. To make a difference in the world you must be different"
Keep it up REACH BEYOND TEAM! Wonderful work done.
Charitha - Teacher
At Reach Beyond I am working as the In-house speech and language therapist. My role is helping the children to improve their social and functional communication skills to make them independent individuals in the society through focusing their speech and language skills.
Dilrini - Teacher
"Working with special needs kids opens your eyes to a different world. I enjoy every second spent with these kids and strive to make their lives a better one."
Pics – Kushan