Udayakantha on ‘Bandhanaya’

Apr 17 2017.

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‘Bandhanaya’ is a dream come true for me: Udayakantha

Veteran filmmaker Udayakantha Warnasuriya whose newest movie ‘Bandhanaya’ is now being screened in the CEL circuit including in 3D technology in some theatres, says he was so passionate about horror movies and was dreaming of making one some day.

“This is my 21st film. I have made films on various genres, but this is the first time I touched upon horror as my subject matter,” Udayakantha told us.

“The film is based on incidents linked to the traditional black magic customs that is still practised in our society. This is a story about how the bitter hostility between two families leads one faction to use black magic on a little girl of the other family. The little girl is then possessed by a spirit. This is the base to the story,” he said.

Is it based on a true incident?
Not really, but I scripted it based on facts I had heard, read and researched. The film features Cyril Wickremage, Hemal Ranasinghe, Swineetha Weerasinghe, Dulani Anuradha, Saheli Satharasinghe, Nilmini Tennekoon, Ravindra Yasas and several other artistes. Cyril Wickramage plays the lead role as the exorcist. Child artiste Saheli Satharasinghe is a new find. She has played her part brilliantly. This film is also a turning point for Hemal Ranasinghe who plays a different character. 

Though this is a famly movie, how will the fear factor affect little children?
Well, this film has got a ‘More Suitable For adults’ certificate from the Censor Board, because of some scary scenes. Yet it can be treated as a family movie. I don’t recommend this film to children below 12 years.

This film was slotted for release sometime later. Why did you advance it?

The CEL circuit had a little issue in the line up as a scheduled film had to be delayed due to a technical issue with the movie. The circuit asked me whether I could bail them out at that crucial point and I agreed. I am glad the circuit has given me 50 cinemas in addition to 12 cinemas which screen the movie in 3D format.

Were you worried about the release clashing with the festive season?

Not very much, because I always believe that good films will always be embraced by the audiences positively.


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