The Topic of Feminism

Dec 03 2015.

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Feminism has become a controversial term over the past few years with some believing that the true meaning of the movement has become distorted and feminists now seek to demonize men on a whole. However, feminism has at its core a desire to achieve equality for all, be it women, men or transgender individuals. 
Should the whole movement be discredited because of its extremists? Or should we not label anyone as being an extremist as feminists should be able to interpret the term as they see fit? When speaking of equality for women in Sri Lanka, it appears that inequality is on the rise, at least according to the Gender Gap Report released by the World Economic Forum. Sri Lanka was ranked 13th in the world for gender equality in 2006 however we fell to 79th place in 2014. Feminism and discussion around the topic remains very relevant not only in Sri Lanka but throughout the world. 
Sakuna Abesinghe 
Feminism as deriving the meaning from its original roots, narrows down to the equality among the two sexes. From where I stand, I prefer the term "equalist" over the modern day term "feminist" as I strongly do believe that it serves a higher power of justice. 
Onalie De Silva Ariyabandhu 
"You're a feminist, right?" I've been asked this many times, mostly as an assumption, rather than a question. The unfortunate reality in Sri Lanka and most parts of the world is that feminism is associated with being "anti-male", this I see as extremism, not feminism. Feminism in my opinion is about justice. Bringing justice to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged and allowing them to protect and practice their rights. Feminism is not about fighting against men, it's about fighting against patriarchy. This difference is yet to be understood by most feminists. 
Vandana Hettiaratchi 
In our society, it is embedded that we view men and women differently. Feminism is shifting this paradigm and viewing men and women the exact same way, respecting women the same way you respect men and both sexes having the same equal, rights. Feminism is about equality, respect and recognition. 
Vandana Hiranand 
In my opinion, feminism is necessary, since stands for the equality of all. It is important to me personally because it aims to reduce many problems we face in everyday life, particularly sexism in many forms. I personally find it disconcerting when people state that they are not feminists, because it implies that they do not believe in equality for all humans. Everyone should be treated equally, regardless of gender or race. I believe that for real change to occur, everyone should be a feminist. 
Sharika Jayewardene 
Defined as "the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes".  I feel that Feminism has become a by-word, used to justify, not simply women's cries for equal rights. While women do need to have equal rights and equal opportunities as their male counterparts, worldwide; it is still disturbing that rude behaviour is often justified as "feminism". I recently overheard a lady snap at a gentleman, who opened the door for her, "Don't you think I can open the door myself; do you think I'm a second class citizen?" If this is modern feminism, I am appalled, as all our pioneers of women's rights fought for so much more. Feminism, I feel should come with responsibility to be used with the same respect towards our male counterparts, as we wish them to regard us with. I certainly don't believe that men and women are really equal. I believe we are completely different humans, equipped with a completely different skill set that complement each other. I shall never forget the placard on our Family Physician's desk that said, "WHEN GOD CREATED MAN; SHE WAS ONLY JOKING" and maybe she was! 
Chandrani Bandara, Minister of Women and Child Affairs 
Feminism to me is more than just equal rights for women. For me, feminism is enabling the empowerment of a significant portion of our society to be their best selves, so that our society in turn, can be lifted to a place which is focused on development, ideas, and innovation, instead of being dragged down by violence, discrimination and hate. It is for this reason that the inequalities that women are subjected to, and the violence perpetrated against women are an injustice not only against womankind, but against society itself. This makes feminism relevant not only to women, but to every single member of our society. 
By Upeksha Hettiarachchi


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