Social Media or Newspapers

Oct 30 2015.

views 473

Social media versus Newspapers : What is your pick? 
The introduction of social media sites have kept the youth occupied with the latest gossip and news. Sometimes they often would rely on these sites to gain knowledge about what is happening in and around them. But are these facts accurate? Can social media sites ever replace newspapers?
The Daily Mirror Life listened to a few young voices to know their opinions. 
I think the young crowd mostly like to browse the Internet and get to know what’s happening in and around the world. 
I.S Ramanayake 
I hardly see the youth taking the time to read a newspaper and find out what’s happening in the country. Since everything is just a click away they rely mostly on social media sites. 
The youth like to check gossip. They hardly try to find out if they are true or not. 
They are not interested to know what is happening in politics or about other important matters. The youth are sometimes interested in celebrity gossip and other entertainment news only. 
The youth don’t only browse the web. As a youth I of course take some time off to read a newspaper and gain knowledge about current affairs. 
In a survey done by the Knight Foundation to find out if high school students think it is important to stay informed on news, it was revealed that there was a shift in results. Despite their destruct of its accuracy, the research revealed an explosion in use of social media for news and information. When asked, how often they get news and information from a list of sources, 56 per cent of teens said social networks were a daily source of news and information for them. Following are the results; 
Frequency of use
for news & information
Social networks Internet Mobile
Daily 56% 33% 31%
Several times a week 20% 32% 19%
About once a week 7% 18% 11%
Less than once a week 6% 12% 13%
Never 10% 6% 27%
By Kamanthi Wickramasinghe 
Photographs by Kushan Pathiraja


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